Walking Man’s Road

Ms. Heather Goldsmith


Every footfall on mans road, filled with agony, grief, despair, and pain. Pain burns into my brain, agony is everywhere.


Walking man’s road every day you kick a toad. Every day the puppet-masters add to your load, weighed down to the grave.


Never mind the rocks and stones.  Step over the rotting remains and old bones as you make your way alone.


No love in their eyes, no compassion in their hearts or, brains in their head.  Zombies, walk man’s road, clinically dead.  The lights are on but nobody’s home; travel man’s road knowing you are on your own.


Nobody cares, nobody knows, nobody sees.  The Barbie doll on TV tells the traveler what to think and feel.  At the sight of a corpse the pedestrian on man’s road doesn’t blink; turn away, its gone quick as a wink.


Rotting flesh starts to stink but the passerby never stops to think. Let the maggots have their fun, look away and run.


Maggots, maggots, maggots everywhere the foot sore pedestrian walking man’s road don’t fucken care.



Verses from the Tomb

Ms. Heather Goldsmith


Here I lay, day after day, on my bed of purple velvet.  Food for the worms, what is dead goes into the ground never ever to be found.


Here I lay, day in, day out, everyday the maggots eat a little more away.  Carrion goes in the ground to feed the worms crawling all around.


No warm sun shines in my box of pine, no moon do I see above me.  Darkness of the grave is all that dead eyes behold.


Mold as the grave is growing cold, turning to dust as my bones grow old.  Dead things go in the ground where maggots do abound.


Here I lay, day after day, as more of my flesh rots away.  What’s dead goes in the ground, worm food is all that’s found.


Here I lay, day after day, on my bed of purple velvet.  Without a thought in my empty head, stone cold DEAD!



Facing Bush’s Henchmen: A Dialogue with Jack Grimes

"A Fascist candidate for President will shake up the driftwood and cause a few minds to get busy." - Jack Grimes

by Mike Pursley




Jack Grimes, Director and CEO of the United Fascist Union, ran for President in 2000 and 2004. He is running as a Fascist candidate again in 2008. As a fascist, Grimes believes in a world state, a work point currency system, and economic equality for all citizens. “Big government can be your friend, provided it’s a friendly big government,” he explains.

In December, I traveled to the United Fascist Union headquarters in Elkton, MD to meet with Grimes and his second in command Joanne Parker. Inside his living room are framed pictures of Grimes’ political heroes, Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein. An inverted pentagram adorns the walls. Grimes, dressed in a black uniform, black gloves, and inverted pentagram armband gave intense but articulate answers to my questions.

Our topics of discussion varied widely during the time we spoke, covering political theory, grandfather clocks, George W. Bush, Atlantis, and picnics. As our talk continued, it became apparent that despite his fascist label, Grimes is something of a utopianist seeking fairness and equality. Jack Grimes and Joanne Parker also proved to be polite hosts, offering me tea and cookies following the interview.

Pursley: To begin, I want a specific definition of fascism.
Grimes: Fascism is a radical form of socialism created by a turn of the century Italian statesman, Benito Mussolini. It’s also known as corporate statism, where the corporate powers and the state cooperate and function as a corporation to make a profit for the public.

What are the goals of the United Fascist Union?
To establish a new form of government in America based upon the economic theories of Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein and to create actual equality for all Americans. We believe you can spout all the platitudes you want and pretty sayings about racial equality, sexual equality, this kind of thing—but it doesn’t mean one d@mn thing unless you create economic equality. That’s why Bush and Clinton and all these other rich men have the common people by the short hairs. Because the common people are all living in bad little apartments that are rat infested and roach infested and broken down; yet, the wealth in this country is tied up by maybe 2-3% of the people. These old money families; they’re all the same mentality. You’ve got to break the system down and you’ve got to create economic equality for all people, and fascism is the tool to do that.

OK. Fascism often causes a negative knee-jerk reaction. Does it ever prevent you from generating interest in your ideas?
Oh I think it generates a good deal of interest. All negative interest. It’s becoming very hard to be a fascist, especially with Bush and his rotten regime always talking about “fascist this,” and “fascist that"—and they attacked Iraq without provocation. The fascists did no harm to anyone. Did you read my article in the latest issue of Paranoia about Saddam Hussein? [issue 43]

About the H.G. Wells inspired space gun?
Yeah. I’m a great fan of Wells, if you haven’t noticed. A good bit of my fascism comes from the British fascism, which was from Sir Oswald Mosley and I believe to a certain extent, although he never admitted it, H.G. Wells. I’ve read a good many of Wells’ novels and I do like him and I respect him.

So what aspects of life today would draw people toward fascism? You’ve talked a little about the economic side. Are there any others?
There's an idea I came up with called Universal Price Index, which would regulate everything across the board and you could use it to make America into one big roll back. I believe a newspaper quoted me as saying, which I never said until now. And by having Universal Price Index you could stop inflation, you could hinder the rapid spiraling out-of-control of money like it is in this country. A Universal Price Index would mean that if apartments were $350 in Elkton they would be the same in Baltimore, the same in Philly, the same everywhere in the Northeast region. I believe this could be done but it cannot be done under the capitalist economy because everything in a capitalist country is to make a profit.

I own Saddam Hussein Hall but, I share with Heather  and Joanne we each pay a portion of the cost on utilities, taxes and upkeep. There’s no work in Cecil County. The work is in Baltimore. And how much does the average home go for here? Say this home across the street? This lawyer?  . We see the trends—the way it’s going in this country. Smoking bans, all kinds of legislation that’s designed to really shaft the people, and I don’t think I’d like to stay in this country if I could possible leave it.

Where would you like to go?
I’ve tried Canada. It seems to be following the same pattern as this country though. I don’t know. I’ve thought about South America, not seriously. But probably short term if I could swing it, and I do have followers there, would be Canada. At least I’d get away from Bush and his henchmen. But like I’ve said, Canada seems to be following the same program.

So, on your website one of your ideas to reform would be rules of public conduct to correct flaws in modern society. Tell about some of your rules.
Okay, one of the rules we got a lot of comment about says something about strict censorship of the press, and that actually means like an FCC to regulate the newspapers and make them play fair with the people. We used (the term) censorship in the same sense as the Romans used it, but the American people did not take it that way. But we were actually talking about something like the FCC that would regulate things and make the newspapers play fair with the people. This came out largely because newspapers have never been fair with me. I’ve been labeled as a Satanist, as a Nazi, as whatever. And you have no recourse. When they say freedom of speech they mean freedom of speech to do what they want to you. To do what they want with anybody. And what I’d like to see is an even playing field where the papers have to play fair with you.

Moving to your presidential run, how is the 08 campaign going? And a friend of mine wanted to know if you had a running mate.
I would say it’s too soon to say how it’s going at this time. You’re actually our first magazine interview. We’ve done no radio or anything. We wouldn’t expect to this soon. No, I have no running mate this time as yet. It will probably be Miss Parker because Mr. Rios, who was my running mate the last two times, is unavailable. We’ve lost touch with him to be honest with you and we don’t know where Eduardo Rios is if he’s interested. So it probably will be that Miss Parker will be my running mate. She is my real second in command anyway. She would not be my running mate the last two times because she thought it would hurt my chances of getting elected because of the rampant sexism in this country. So we had Mr. Rios, who was my third in command and legitimately entitled if she declined. But like I said, he seems to have quit on us.

Looking around noticing the inverted pentagram and with some other things that I’ve read about the UFU makes me wonder if there is a spiritual side to what you’re doing here.
Satan, Saturn, was a Roman god, a Greco/Roman god. You see this god often as Father Time on grandfather clocks today, only nobody knows it. When the Britons were asking for a god after Claudius I conquered England Claudius offered then Saturn. They said Saturn was a Roman god and he meant nothing to them but they would be glad to worship him in their own barbarous tongue. The Romans were rather liberal and free with their colonies, especially if they fought with honor and became part of the empire. Claudius said they may have a god in their own tongue. Saturn in English becomes Satan. So people will say “This is the devil.” No. To us it’s not a devil.

We don’t have a devil. We have a Greco/Roman god: Satan. And as far as LaVey goes, Anton LaVey was a personal friend of mine. I knew the man and I knew him well. He was not a devil worshipper. He used the term Satan for his group, and I don’t know why, for the same stupid reason Rockwell called his group the American Nazi Party. Shock tactic. Anton LaVey actually didn’t believe in anything.

Does that fit in with you as well?
Oh no. I believe in the old Olympian gods. I believe they’re real. I believe in magic. I’ve practiced magic; what you would call magic. I believe our whole life’s a form of magic and I would be inclined to think that the Olympian gods are more real than these Christian gods. And unlike the Christians, we don’t have bigotry and hatred. We don’t hate those people, but they’ve often said “We hate you.” They’ll see our signs and call us devil worshipers. We have nothing against those people. We don’t worship the devil. The devil doesn’t even exist in our cosmology. Thank god!

You’ve mentioned Mussolini and you’ve mentioned ancient Rome, what are you more drawn to?
Now what drew me to Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein in the first place was their talk about Babylon and Rome, because I think the only way for man to advance into the future is to go back into the distant past. I mean a physical revival of the Roman Empire with Babylon, especially the mystic, occult aspects of Babylon at its core, is the only way to save humanity. We cannot go on with this “over the cliff” capitalism and this rampant materialism.

So what we would like to do, and what attracted me to Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein in the first place was their talk of a Roman empire in ancient Babylon. We would like to see America become the epicenter of a new Roman empire with the mystery cults of Babylon as its spiritual center because without a spiritual side, man is going to keep abusing his fellow man. What do you think is going on in Iraq and America now? Bush is doing this because with the biggest stick and the biggest gun (you can) torture other men. And this is because of the greed and materialism of the capitalist economic system. You must change all this. The planet must become one whole planet where all people are equal. You can’t say, “I’ve got a bigger land mass than you so I’m going to go over and take away what’s yours.” You can’t say, “I’ve got atom bombs, so I’m going to go steal your oil because I’ve got the power to do it.” That’s bloody horrible and we cannot go on this way. We’re going to annihilate ourselves.

So therefore, you need to change the way people think. I think it would be important if we could create a new Roman Empire on the North American continent, which would include Mexico, Canada, and what we now call America. To make this the epicenter of a world state where all the states of the world state would be equal trading partners. There would be an axis of trading partners. No one would have any more weapons than anybody else. There would be no dominant factors. And this would force the world together as one people. There would be no more war. There’d be no more death camps. There’d be no more terror, because you’re not going to attack your brothers.
Christianity is the dry bones of winter, as Aleister Crowley said. There is no hope of a spiritual salvation through the Christian religion. A spiritual salvation will come to man if we can turn the clock back to the time of the pagans and the mystery cult of the Babylonians. Right after the fall of Atlantis was the most perfectly developed religion of all, from what I understand.

So what does a hard-working Fascist presidential candidate do to relax?
Oh, I watch the fishes. When it was nicer weather we’d go on picnics quite a bit. We go by lighthouses and things. I love the lighthouses. And that’s one thing, I’m fortunate to live in the Chesapeake Bay area because there are so many lighthouses.

So may the staff of Paranoia join you at the White House in ‘08?
You probably would be (invited), because Paranoia is one of my favorite magazines.

Continuing questions to Mr. Grimes in Town Hall meeting fashion:

Mr. Grimes, When you say the fascists did no harm to anyone, which leaders or groups were you referring to? Was Adolf Hitler a fascist? If not, why doesn't he fit your definition? - Al, Providence, RI
Hello Al. Hitler was a Nazi. Hitler pretended to be a Fascist to capitalize on Benito Mussolini's popularity when he started the National Socialist German Workers' Party, but was NOT a Fascist EVER! More like a Judas goat hung around Il Duce's neck like a millstone with his anti-Semitic insanity. In Fascist Italy under Benito Mussolini and in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, the governments actually protected the Jews from anti-Semitic elements. Fascists did not persecute anybody because of race or religion, and the Nazi's did.

Mr. Grimes. Today's CEOs make several hundred times the average worker's salary, even when their respective companies are losing money. Since Fascism, according to you, would embrace corporations and work with them on behalf of the people, would you reign in the ridiculous compensation packages of CEOs? Also, would you be willing to consider some of the acts of corporate executives to be treasonous and deserving of the death penalty? - Devin, Providence, RI
Hello, Devin. The state itself should be run like a corporation, to make a profit for the people. The masses should not be shackled to a parasite power elite like they are today. Some corporations, like Halliburton, clearly commit treason. I would have the lot of them crucified.

Mr. Grimes, You say that you would support the formation of a regulatory body that would have carte blanch censorship authority over America's news media. You also said that this idea came about through your personal experience in being mislabeled as, among other onerous things, a Nazi. Could you please tell us exactly what the difference is between the two, other than the obvious fact that the Nazis were an organized (and nattily attired) political party? In short, what is your take on each of these two symbiotic philosophies? - Mark, Cumberland, RI
Hello, Mark: The Nazi and the Fascist are not symbiotic philosophies; far from it! The Fascists had no racial programs. In Italy and in Iraq, Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein actually welcomed Jews and gave them full religious freedom. Mussolini was trying to warn the world about the threat Adolf Hitler posed in the 1930's, and was forced into an axis with the Germans because the Western democracies ignored his warning.

As to your comments about censorship, we were referring to a regulatory body like the FCC to govern newspapers and magazines, which would force them to play fair with the common people. Censoring the print media: You should understand why we need a regulatory body to force the multi-national media to play fair with the common people. The PEOPLE have rights; it's high time someone represented the masses' interests.

Jack Grimes' Statement of Candidacy

It is my intention to run for President in the election to be held in November 2008, because I believe we need more political movements in this country which should be every spectrum of the rainbow. I see not only a need for new grass roots movements in this country, but also for the average man to step into the political arena and take an active role in government.

A Fascist candidate for President will shake up the driftwood and cause a few minds to get busy. We must break the two-party monopoly in conventional politics in this country if we are to preserve the American people's Freedom of Choice. We must create new political movements that the masses can polarize around if we are to keep the general public interested in politics; of those, surely one can be Fascist.

We must end the reign of terror of the capitalist elite, which has driven the middle-class to the brink of extinction and holds the poor down to a loathsome level where they are no better than medieval serfs. Corporate Statism, an economic system under which government and corporate interests cooperate with each other for the betterment and general welfare of the nation, whereby government makes a profit for the people instead of exploiting them, is the perfect antidote to capitalism.
To correct the flaws in modern society the United Fascist Union recommends: Halting the monopolies on utilities; imposing a strict censorship on the press; halting urban sprawl; and enacting rules of public conduct which police would rigidly enforce.

Jack Grimes is Director and CEO of the United Fascist Union, P.O. Box 2209, Elkton, MD 21922. He ran for president in 2000 and 2004, and is a candidate in 2008. You can read Mr. Grimes’ Statement of Candidacy for the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, as well as a FAQ sheet for the United Fascist Union, at http://joanne21921.tripod.com. His office may be contacted at United Fascist Union Campaign, P.O.Box 2209, Elkton, MD 21922. It takes 2,500 signatures from registered voters, verified by the Federal Election Commission, to begin the process for candidates to run for the office of United States President.

Links to sites about Jack Grimes:
Official Jack Grimes site: http://joanne21921.tripod.com/


Solstice Greetings From Jackson Grimes' United Fascist Union

Vote Fascist November 2008 and give homeless Americans a hand up instead of a handout.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Dec. 18, 2007 at 05:34pm
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 Help The HomelessRally

6PM 12/22/07

Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen:

People talk about how America is the land of opportunity; we say it's the land of illusions and lies,  where people with real potential are hindered, and held down.  We say, you can only do what the puppet-master elite will allow you to do in this god-damned country.  Which, by the way, is not very much, unless you come from an old monied family, like baby Bush, or move in the right circles, like that slime-ball, Hillary Clinton.  Do you honestly believe it is an accident of human nature that the number of homeless American's is multiplying so rapidly?

Such an occurrence surely cannot be a coincidence, something else must be going on here.  But what? Could it be the planned displacement of the American people by a sadistic cabal of power brokers.  If this is the case, what could be the reasoning behind such an agenda be?  The planned destruction of the Union of American States from within by the very men who have sworn to protect this country, and uphold its laws?

We do know, that many homeless people are substance abusers.  A little-known fact is, as the head of the CIA, old Bush used his position to flood America, and Canada with narcotics from South America.  This was done with the intent of dumbing-down the general public so that they would be perfect control beasts of burden, and helpless loafers, who would never offer any resistance to Big Brother.

Another factor contributing to the rapid rise in the number of homeless people in this region is a lack of cost-effective housing for poor Americans.  With rents averaging $500 to $600 dollars per unit on the DelMarva peninsula low-income families are forced to go on government  giveaways, like Section 8, or risk becoming homeless.  This too, is part of a programme to bind the masses to the provincial, and the federal governments, as there is no a burger-flipper, working at McDonald's that can bear the cost-of-living.

A better way to combat poverty would be to abolish minimum wage, then reestablish it at just under $1 an hour, and at the same time, cut back the government dole.  This would accomplish four things: 1. force down the cost-of-living; 2. reverse inflation; 3. put more money in circulation; and 3. create jobs.  This would actually turn America into a land of opportunity, and offer than every man a chance to be all that he can be.  This is a far better alternative than building more soup houses, and homeless shelters across the U.S.A., and Canada; because all of these establishments breed is degenerates, and parasites.

Perhaps, the biggest part of the problem is human nature itself.  Roosevelt established patterns with programmes he started in the 1930's; and Johnson's "Great  Society" programme of the 1960's created more freebies.  So we've got a much greater problem now, " GENERATIONAL DEPENDENCY", throughout this country.  It is part of human nature, mayhaps,, it is a defect, to take what is freely given.  Those who wish to take away your liberties understand this, and now, so do you; which evens up the playing field if you will use the knowledge, organize yourselves, and defend your rights.

The United Fascist Union wishes to teach you how to be men, how to stand on your own two feet, and how to think independently.  It is our hope, every American can find his or her own True Will activating the Star within himself.  In other words, we are offering you a  hand up, instead of a handout.  Put our party in government, and Americans will have security, jobs, and bread on the table.  Remember folks, fascism brought peace, plenty, and prosperity to Italy, and Iraq under Benito Mussolini, and Saddam Hussein; and it can do the same for us in America.

While we are thinking about Benito Mussolini, and Saddam Hussein,  I must tell you friends, there was a most excellent thing that our government was able to do in Italy, and Iraq to improve the common peoples' lot in life:  they made utilities public, and provided them to consumers at cost.  In America, everything is about capital gain, and greed; it is not so in a fascist nation.  That is why the American voters would be wise to turn the reigns of government over to the United Fascist Union; because we can form a government that actually works for the masses, rather than only exploiting them to the maximum.

Vote for the United Fascist Union in 2008, and help usher in a new golden age of peace, plenty, and prosperity.  Stay the course with the rotten Republicans, and damn Democrats, and future generations will curse the people of our generation.  With fascism, we have hope; in the parasitic elite of today, nothing but the seeds of doom loom over our heads.

Mr. Jack Grimes

08' United States Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union

City of Elkton

Province of Maryland

in the nation-state of America

United Fascist Union

P.O.B.  2209

Elkton, MD 21922-2209




jlarsen by jlarsen
on Dec. 19, 2007 at 05:02pm
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Nice piece of satire.

Considering we're already moving rapidly toward fascism in this country, I wouldn't worry about campaigning though.

I like how it starts out with some good truths (or theories at least, ones I prescribe to) the dumbing down of America, Bush, drugs etc


Mr. Grimes Priorities:

Good reasons to vote for the UNITED FASCIST UNION candidate this coming November.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jan. 07, 2008 at 12:31pm
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Priority Issues
Institute Canadian-style Anti-Hate Laws and ban racist organizations like the K.K.K. and American Nazi Party. Advance womens rights. Establish a global government, similar to the Roman Empire built upon an Axis of economic trade to raise the standard of living everywhere on the planet. To restore stabiliy in the Middle East and stop this madness Bush has released in Iraq. To halt gas increases and then curb prices of petrol. To uphold Roe vs. Wadfe and keep abortion legal. Presidential Priorities: The government should limit the number of children per family, like the Chinese government does. However, parents should not be given the option of aborting healthy female fetuses. We should seriously start exploring alternative energy sources so the Americans can be weened off of fossil fuels, which does terrible harm to the environment. Form an axis of nine or ten nation-states around the globe for mutual economic benefit to each other, which will become the nucleus of a central world authority. This will bring us peace, plenty and prosperity on a worldwide scale.
Reason for Seeking Public Office
We believe fascism can upgrade humanity and improve the quality of life for all Americans.

Jackson K. Grimes





 159 alltime goodness

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I was sitting at home alone the other day when my telephone rang, and some sort of automated voice-activated survey was asking residents of Cecil County whether they believed abortion should be legal in this country. Despite pressing the #9 button, as instructed for pro-choice, the robotic voice thanked me for being pro-life.

So, I am writing this letter, publicly stating, for the record, not only do I believe abortion should always be legal in the United States, but actually encouraged, as a great way to reduce the surplus population.

Religious fanatics and right-wing lunatics are pushing these backward-thinking programs because of that maggot, Bush, and his fundamentalist Jesus freaks. Can we allow the Christians, who have a worse reputation for bigotry than the Nazis, to dictate morality in a free country?

There's more than just women's rights at stake here, and it's high time free thinkers tell these anti-abortion idiots, the lunatics from the religious right and Jesus -boy Bush, to stick it.

Jackson Grimes
Presidential Candidate
United Fascist Union


Denmarkguy by Denmarkguy
on Dec. 28, 2007 at 04:21pm
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Pretty much any kind of extremism is problematic, in its own way...
brudo by brudo
on Dec. 28, 2007 at 05:32pm
2 Votes | voted for this comment voted | flagged this comment flag comment
I don't think that Christians are bigger bigots than Nazis. However, I do think that the Christian Right is so full of shit and so wrong in so many interpretations of the "great" book, that they really need to back the fuck off.
Also, if abortions were made illegal in this country, than they would have to be done in back rooms, with improper and unsanitary equiptment, which poses a great threat to the women that could be involved in those procedures. A black market abortionist would not be held to real standards or have to face consequences for accidental deaths involved in the procedure.

Denmarkguy is right, any extremism is problematic, and if abortions were outlawed they would just go underground, similar to prohibition. Which was another law supported vehemently by Right Wing Christians. A Womans right to choose is at least as if not more sacred than a persons right to drink.


America Must Stop Illegal Immigration


The problem of illegal immigration to the United States is getting worse every year.  More illegal aliens are making their way past our borders into our country than ever before, and they are succeeding at taking jobs away from American workers.  This is particularly true in certain fields of work. For example, hotels and restaurants hire illegal aliens because they are willing to work cheaper than the Americans, thereby, cutting Americans out of jobs.  Illegal aliens are slipshod and substandard workers.  Much of their work is not up to American standards.  Employers can get away with this because many of these illegals do not even speak English, and even if they did, they could not complain to the government because they are not supposed to be here in the first place, and doing this could get them sent back, or fined and/or imprisoned.


 The United Fascist Union believes the law should be amended so that individuals or firms caught  hiring illegal aliens will be severely punished by the government.  They should not be entitled to Social Security, Welfare, Unemployment Medicare/Medicaid or in-state tuition at American colleges or universities.  They should get no help whatsoever from the government, then when they are caught or apprehended, they should be sent back to their point of origin immediately by  the U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.


Jackson Grimes, United Fascist Union, U. S. Presidential Candidate


Fascist Popaganda for Radio Shows

Mr. G. had me type this up today for radio talk shows. I thought it wise to post it here as well.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> news
on Feb. 12, 2008 at 04:05pm
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Talk Shows: Guest Relations

(410) 398-2167 

Dear Programming Director:

I am Jack Grimes, Director and C.E.O. of the UNITED FASCIST UNION.  This letter of introduction is being sent to various talk radio stations, to explain what the U.F.U. is as well as what it is not.  It is our hope that as a result of this letter you will have me as a guest on one of your station’s talk shows, and that through our dialogue as mutual understanding can be reached that will lead to the creation of a new Fascist party in the United States and Canada.

The UNITED FASCIST UNION is NOT  a neo-Nazi club and a hang-out for the redneck, white trash who promote bigotry and hatred between the various races of humanity.  Nor, does the U.F.U. preach any form of a Stalinist dogma that will lead to the enslavement of humanity under a tyrant.  I make this statement of fact because it is a common misconception that Fascism is either some form of Nazism or Communism, it is NOT.

Original FASCISM was an economic theory, called “Corporate Statism”, which was the creation of the Italian statesman, Benito Mussolini.  Among Prime Minister Mussolini’s advocations was the creation of a new Roman Empire.  The desired goal of the UNITED FASCIST UNION is the creation of a global government based on a Corporate State economy, which will embrace all nations of the earth as equal trading partners, laying the foundations of a new Roman Empire.

If this sounds like an interesting topic that might captivate listeners why don’t we talk about it on one of your talk shows?  I can be reached at the above number if you are interested.

Viva Nova Roma


Mr. J. Grimes

Director  & C.E.O. of the



The United Fascist Union & The Foreclosure Crisis in America Today

The U.F.U.s US presidential candidate comments on the state of banking home loans and offers some solutions to the real estate crisis crooked bankers have caused.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Mar. 24, 2008 at 02:44pm
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Dear Editor:

Real Estate Madness

Recently, an article about people burning their houses down rather than allowing the bank to foreclose caught our attention and alerted us to the dire state of the real estate recession facing America today.  Another item published told readers that the number of homes facing foreclosure jumped 57% by January 2008 compared to what it was last January.  Some states, like Delaware, have gone so far as to establish outreach agencies like The Federation of Housing Counseling to prevent people from losing their properties.

When all is said and done, this whole mess came about because greedy banks lured potential home buyers to purchase properties they could not afford.  The United Fascist Union proposes legislation be enacted and passed into law, that would restrict what bankers can and cannot do and say, for the common welfare of the community at large.  The U. F. U. proposes massive reforms in existing bankruptcy laws to give homeowners a chance to pay off their loans.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. J. Grimes

United Fascist Union

U.S. Presidential Candidate


What others are saying about Mr. G.

This is from an outfit we agreed to granting an interview calling itself The Freakmedia.com. It is NOT a reflection of the way the U.F.U. would like American voters to perceive our political movement

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Feb. 13, 2008 at 06:16pm
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Fuck Ron Paul...an Interview with the REAL "Far Right"
by Edaurdo Jones
February 8, 2008 - Friday

Could the exact form of Government that caused us to invade Iraq save us? According to presidential
candidate Jack Grimes it could. Grimes is the director and CEO of the United Fascist Union. The
Pennsylvania- based organization its candidate plan on taking a page from a form of Government that pre-
dates Christ. They plan to turn our democracy into the Neo-Roman Republic.

Can you picture statues of Saddam Hussein and Benito Mussolini next to the Lincoln and Washington
monuments? That's what you'll be seeing if Jack Grimes has his way. This is a man who promises to bring
crucifixions back to the people. The first people to receive this long lost but not forgotten form of capitol
punishment will be (who else) the Bush administration. When I asked what his first order of business once
in office would be. Grimes responded with this ". Try Bush and his crew for crimes against humanity, then
nail them to crosses and let America watch the bastards die on them."

Is a more brutal government really what we need here? According to Grimes, democracy is failed from the

" It doesn't work according to the popular Will of the masses. It's oppressive and parasitic. Create a
government that made policies for the general welfare of the masses, not special interest groups and
wealthy elitists."

Grimes, who prefers to be addressed as" his Excellency", has plans to fix the countries homeless and
unemployment problems by first establishing a Universal Price Index to control the cost of the necessities
of life. He will outlaw the formation of Labor Unions, so heavy industry would return to this country. He
plans to encourage the recruitment of large numbers of unskilled blue-collar workers to labor in
agriculture, coal mines, factories, and sea-faring technologies. His solution to homelessness is simple:

"Make housing more affordable. Repeal zoning laws prohibiting owners from renting units over

I asked if he would reinstate the Gladiatorial games; he seemed to respect the wishes of former Roman
Emperor Marcus Aurelius and would uphold Aurelius's wishes and keep the games banned from Neo
Rome. So sorry, there will be no public lion-feedings for those of you with a taste for the ol' ultra-violent.

When I asked this would-be Dictator his feelings on free speech, his answer surprised me.

"We believe everyone should have the right to freedom of speech with respect to others. Thus our
endorsement of Canadian-style Hate Laws. Not exactly what you expect coming out of a fascist's mouth,
but perhaps this is a softer gentler form of the age-old evil.

Candidate Grimes explained his theory on the invasion of Iraq and the solution at hand.

"The Iraq war was started for two reasons: President Hussein wouldn't let go of traditional Fascism (stated
openly on CNN) and (the U.S. wanted) to steal oil off the Arabs. The whole 9/11 Hoax was staged to give the
de facto government a pretext to Invade the Middle East. Look at Iraq, Iran & Afghanistan on a world map;
they're neat little blocks like a checker board, the territory the Bush baddies need to lay a pipeline across
the desert. First they staged the Terror Hoax in 2001, then used fictitious Weapons of Mass Destruction to
invade Iraq. The Bush regime may stage another hoax, to cancel the election, installing Georgie-porgie for
life, like a latter day Hitler clone; then blame the Iranians.

"Hell of a mess. We've got an uphill battle of nation building. Probably better if Iraq be dissolved and
returned to its ancient geographic dimensions and shape. This would be better for the ethnic minorities
and religious factions living within the borders of present day Iraq."

Jack Grimes' ideas may be exactly the opposite of the American dream, but who knows...maybe free
thinking and free markets are just as much of a "utopian" ideal as Communism. Something just doomed to
fail. Perhaps a form of government that lasted for several thousands of years will beat out a very young
Democratic system of checks and balances. Someday pigs may fly due to genetic research as well. On the
bright side, if Grimes were to win, think about the public orgies...



The United Fascist Union 0n Importing Canada's Fairness Act of 1960.

An idea of the U.F.U.'s Presidential candidate to improve the quality of life for average American citizens.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Feb. 26, 2008 at 05:13pm
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Dear Editor:

In looking to curb the greed and corruption in America, we turn to our good neighbors of the North, Canada. Examining the “Sale of Goods Act 1960 and amended Act of 1996”, we find once all the legalese is set aside, the objective of this act is to make sure Canadians play nice and don’t screw each other with dirty tricks and unfair business practices.

When I think about some of the crooked mechanics we have taken our car to, and some appliances we have bought in the past, I was wishing America had a Fairness Act similar to Canada. Digging deeper, we discovered it does, and also, states like Ohio and Texas have their own version to supplement the federal regulations.

But, it seems to us, due to wording and terminology Canada’s Fairness Act is superior to its American counterpart in almost all respects. The United Fascist Union therefore proposes American consumer protection legislation be revamped and amended so it is more like the laws and regulations existing in Canada and it’s provinces at present.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Jack Grimes

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union

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Invasion From Outer Space

Director Grimes wrote this piece at the request of a paranormal magazine. He makes it seem like a probability, Manley P. Leister who wrote "The Cat People Chronicles", in the late 1940's;

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in fiction
on Mar. 03, 2008 at 04:29pm
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“The Return of the Empire”

by Jack Grimes

In “The Cat People Chronicles” written by Manley Pickett Leister, shortly after World War II, we are told not only how the KUTSATORIAN Empire created modern man by genetic engineering, but also, how the Empire will resume overt control of the planet Earth shortly after the turn of this century.  It also says something very similar in Rod Serling’s film adaptation of “The Outer Space Connection”, citing as evidence the Mayan calendar, which places the date for the return of the DNA meddlers from space on Christmas Eve, 2012.  Although Mr. Serling’s film does not name the invaders who are coming back that fateful Christmas Eve, there is little doubt who he means if we accept Mr. Leister’s tome as factual.  Ten years after Leister’s book, and ten years before Serling’s groundbreaking film Ronald Bracewell, the physicist, pondered whether or not a technologically advanced civilization from another world would be able to send a messenger probe into a circular orbit at the mid-point of a star system’s habitable zone.

Todd Jenkins made the astounding claim that he had received radio signals from Mars in August of 1924 with a device he had invented for communicating with alien life forms called a Radio Camera Projector.  While I think we can safely dismiss most of what Dr. Jenkins had to say, it makes more sense that Tesla, and Marconi were receiving replies from Epsilon Bootes to signals they had sent out 22 years before.  Which ties in with Duncan Lunan’s contribution to “The Outer Space Connection”, as he theorized, Tesla, and Co. were picking up radio signals from Epsilon Bootes.  This, in turn, brings us right back to “The Cat People Chronicles” as Mr. Leister informs us that Epsilon Bootes is at the very heart of the Kutsatorian Empire, where the Cat Peoples’ home world, Kutsa Prime is located.  If we suppose Leister was correct we have to say that while Lunan, Jenkins, and the others were right about getting some sort of electronic transmission from deep space, they were partly mistaken the signal is a plea for help from a dying planet whose sun is about to go supernova.

Kutsa Prime is indeed a dead world, where only the Emperor, his equivalent to the Praetorian Guard, and a handful of favorite nobles live, maintained with an artificial atmosphere.  But, this is because the Kutsatorians themselves made it so, with their arrogance, and greed, not a terrible natural phenomenon of some type or other.  As far as the other argument goes, the cat people are hardly helpless; they are the outer space equivalent to the Nazi’s.  The Kutsatorians, being a war-like people by nature, destroyed their environment on Kutsa Prime in one of the global conflicts they used to fight all the time, centuries before their scouts ever discovered our world.  At the time of first contact, our planet was in the middle of its second Ice Age.  Finding only barbarians, we call Neanderthal men today, they slew the lot of them, and brought in their geneticists to fashion a new man in their own image, which, in the language of the cat people was called A’dom.  

Whereas, it is true that the Kutsatorian women die quite often during, or just after menopause deprives them of a period, their entire race is not threatened with extinction.  We may deduce this is the reason more earth women are subjected to alien abduction, than are men.  The Aryan, possessing 98% Kutsatorian DNA used to have a similar death rate amoung females until after the Kutsatorian Death Star sank Atlantis with a “Planet-buster Missile” armed with an atomic warhead.  Then, earth women began living as long as their male counterparts, while Kutsatorian ladies continued to die in their 40’s and 20’s.  This explains alien abduction, but not much else.  The simple answer is the Kutsatorians are selfish bastards who refuse to give up the bad habits that wrecked their home world.  So, they have become a class of inner-galactic pirates preying on the colony worlds’ to support a dead centre.

This too, has become a type of trap that the Kutsatorian elite have fallen into.  No matter how much lumber, metal, ore, or food they take from the colony worlds, it is never enough, so their space forces have to constantly expand their boundaries looking for new planets to loot and plunder.  The Kutsatorians are corpse-grinders, put bluntly; if Leister’s right, they eat their own dead as a matter of course, and have done so for untold generations now.  To them, earthers are a failed experiment, and as such, they are meat on the table.  I think this also explains why so many people go missing each year.  They are being enslaved, and shipped to far off worlds to be used as labour or, in the case of youngsters with juicy, tender flesh they end up as the main dish on a Kutsatorian’s dinner table.  Kutsatorian nobility, like the Dero, we are told, have developed a taste for human flesh over the eons. 

Remember, Earth Base #1, from Rod Serling’s moving picture, where we are told the High Priest could talk to their Gods through a shining black rock.  The shining rock, the Indians spoke of in this legend, to the Spanish could have meant a two-way view screen, as seen on television’s “Star Trek”.  How else would a primitive people hardly above a stone-age level have described a device that surely was not unlike our modern television in appearance?  Remember, the “Cargo Cult” that was featured in another film about UFO’s, “The Chariots of the Gods”?  Hypothesize a moment as to what effect the Kutsatorian starships, and rocket men could have on primitive tribes emerging from the second ice age, if American aeroplanes could stir the Islanders pyche so.  Upon reflection, I hope you will realize what we are saying, and understand that it is not a good thing.  Also, it very probably is that, if Kutsatorian scientists made us what we are today, they implanted blocks on our brains to stop the memories of how they did so.

We do know the cat people now view the creation of man, certainly the white man, as a mistake.  In the Cat People Chronicles, Leister informs us that the Kutsatorians created the negro, from African apes, to be a miner.  The oriental was a product of mixing their own DNA with that of a Llama, and was programmed to be a living calculator.  The Aryan, however, was invented by mixing 98% of their own genetic material with that of the felines they discovered in Africa.  Additionally, there seems to have been no reason for creating the white race, and this ethnic group was not programmed for a specific task as were the other races of humanity.  Was the Caucasian created on a lark or out of extreme egotism?  Surely, the Kutsatorian scientists must have wondered what mankind evolved from as did Sir Charles Darwin, and other learned men before him, and after him on our planet have.  Therefore, seeing the big cats, they must have concluded humanity must have evolved from something like them on Kutsa Prime eons and eons ago.  Then, thinking that they had the power of the Gods in their technology, the Kutsatorians decided to replicate themselves.

Whatever the reason for his creation, the cat people quickly came to view the white man as a mistake, and hoped that they could give him a death sentence by exiling him to a frozen wasteland called Hyperboria.  Which proved to be a miscalculation, instead of freezing to death as the Kutsatorians thought they would, the Aryans created a paradise in the North Atlantic in just a few generations.  After the Caucasians took to the skies in gliders and crude aeroplanes, they soon split the atom, which sent shockwaves through the Kutsatorian Empire.  The Emperor panic-stricken, sent what we would call a Death Star equipped with the prototype of a Planet-buster Missile to destroy the earth.  But, the missile was not as powerful as they had hoped it would be, and though it sank the continent it did not blow up the planet as the Kutstorians had believed it would.  After this, we are told the Kutsatorians were banned from the earth’s airspace, as the spacefaring races have rules of conduct regarding interaction with colony worlds.

As we are nearing the end of our story for this time around we should try to tie up the loose ends, and reconcile our theories as much as possible within the helter-skelter state of ufology today.  I can cite as evidence of DNA manipulation, the twelve missing strands that Val Valerian mentions in his “Matrix” volumes.  Then there is the green-glass Palmer and Shaver wrote about in their “The Secret World”, which proves that at some point in the distant past atomic weapons were used on earth.  What about the movie “Chariots of the Gods” showing the skull of a bison, that lived around the time of the second ice age, which had been shot in the head with a bullet.  While Leister only mentions the reptilians once in passing, he basically says that while they were busy doing their thing in Europe, the Kutsatorians ran amuck in Asia, using Japan as the centre of their occupation.  If all of this is a fantasy, why are the Japanese obsessed with drawing cat people in their anime’, and why does Asia Clan-Clan from the TV series “Outlaw Star” look so much like Eve, the mother of mankind, featured on the dust jacket of The Cat People Chronicles”?  Why are they returning on Christmas Eve, 2012?  I doubt it’s a social call to see how we are doing on our own.

Jack Grimes

President  & CEO of the

United Fascist Union


The Fascist Party & The Staggers Act

This is a proposal by our candidate that we adopt a national equal time road & rail policy similar to that which exists in New Jersey at the present time.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Mar. 21, 2008 at 10:14am
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Dear Editor:

The United Fascist Union has long maintained we use railroads as Americas main mode of transporting goods & products as opposed to semi-trucks for many reasons.

Among these are the fact that, semi-trucks destroy pavement of roads & highways,while adding to Americas air pollution problems by burning diesel fuel. Whereas steam engines do not damage air quality and threaten the environment. Since former President Carter signed "The Staggers Act" in 1980, allowing railroads to compete with other modes or transport "earning adequate revenues for competition",this has becomes feasible.

Therefore the United Fascist Union proposes America adopt an "EQUAL TIME ROAD & RAIL POLICY" similar to those that already exist in New Jersy. This would help us clean up the environment and improve the quality of life for Americans in the next generation, if we start now!

Sincerely Yours

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate




Papers Please!

Jack Grimes should have written this but as it affects him personally, as a candidate for public office he didn't think he should. I think it's more draconian legislation that affects all Americans s

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Apr. 01, 2008 at 01:09pm
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Dear Editor:

This is a letter about my friend, Jackson Grimes, who has been trying to move to Canada or England since he lost the 2004 election to that gutter rat Bush, too he fears the government will stage another hoax like the terror trick in September 2001 to suspend the election.  In which case Mr. Grimes would waste his life in a country, with no chance of ever jumping into the political arena.  Now, due to something he read in USA Today Friday, he's waivering as to whether he should try Canada again in May as he planned.

 As a serious man Mr. Grimes took something he read Ben Franklin said to heart, "it doesn't matter so much whether we do great good or great evil with our lives as long as what we do is great".  Now to someone of his nature the thought of wasting an incarnation with a mediocre life is intolerable.  He seems to feel America with it's mounds of legislation and laws is a trap designed to stunt free thinkers and hinder mankinds spiritual developement.  0ften in his public statements Mr. Grimes has rightly said, "EACH PROCEEDEING GENERATION HAS LESS THAN THE ONE BEFORE IT DID".

 In FASCISM there's hope for humanity to evolve beyond the seething clawing huddled masses we've become today.  Il Duce, said he designed FASCISM TO BE THE GREAT EQUALIZER BRIDGING THE GULF BETWEEN CLASSES.  Now never before in the history of this has there been such a gulf between extreme wealth on one side and extreme poverty on the other hand.  Barring the election of a third party candidate, like Jackson Grimes, we have mainsteam millonaires like McCain and Clinton, which is no choice at all.  But, if we make the UNITED FASCIST UNION the organ of state now, we can build a new America where sex, race, religion and class are meaningless and generations of men and woman yet unborn will thank our generation for the wonder of FASCISM forever. 

 Hail Grimes!

Vote Fascist 2008!

Heather Goldsmith

Head Secretary

of the United Fascist Union

author pix




The Fascist U. & Revamping Utility Co.'s

0ur candidate discusses multipliers as one of the many systems of legalized theft monopolies practice against the masses in this country.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Apr. 14, 2008 at 02:47pm
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To the Editor:

                                   Electric Companies Shaft the Public

Electric is an elastic commodity, the higher the prices go, the less people will use it.  Since customers were cutting back on the use of electricity by getting energy saving light bulbs, etc., the electric companies were losing money.  Consequently, the electric companies invented multipliers, which are a mathematical concept companies use to take advantage of the customer. These multipliers are used at the option of electric companies, so that when the customers are not using enough electric to produce the desired profit margin, they can simply raise the multipliers, and get their money through this method.  The multipliers are so high now that even people who use almost no electricity are saddled with a huge bill.  Even worse, the pubic utilities’ commissions have been no help to the public whatsoever.

 We might point out to readers that traditionally in Fascist nations utilities have been provided at cost or given freely, as they’re PUBLIC.  The United Fascist Union proposes that the electric companies’ monopolies be broken, and that public electric companies be created that would charge the public for the electric they actually use; instead of letting some fat-belly private profiteers’ live the high life at the public’s expense. The U. F. U. would revamp the system and  make sure the Public Service Commissions of various Provinces work in the public’s interest instead of working crooked deals behind the scenes, with Executives of  corrupt monopolies allowing them to exploit consumers.  

Vote Fascist 2008!

 Elect Jack Grimes U. S. President in 2008!

 Jack Grimes,

Director& CEO of the

United Fascist Union


thel1lyone by thel1lyone
on Apr. 14, 2008 at 02:08pm
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Are you seriously endorsing the New World Order?
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Apr. 15, 2008 at 10:51am
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We propose a form of global government NOT, the dinosaur Bush and his henchmen want to impose on the world to exploit the planet earth and drain it dry of all the natural resources like, Manley P. Leister, claims the Kutsatorians did their home world in his "Cat People Chronicles".

Mr. Grimes has spoken of an AXIS OF EQUAL TRADING PARTNERS, BASED ON REGIONAL BLOCKS. It will end the sovereign independent nation-state and, with it nationalism, racism, war and capitalist imperialism. End monkey business like baby Bush's crap in the Middle East.

We can use Fascism as Benito Mussolini & Saddam Hussein did in Italy & Iraq to improve the quality of life in just one nation as they did, then somebody with a bigger gun comes along and wrecks the utopia and it's sucked back into darkness. The solution, use Fascism to upgrade the planet itself.



Jackson Grimes Speaks on the Plight of 3rd Parties in the USA

This is a speech for the candidates "State 0f the World" meeting held in Wilkes-Barre. Pennsylvania on May 04 2008. Mr. Grimes and various others were invited to speak on various topics con

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Apr. 03, 2008 at 05:15pm
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State of the World Candidates meet

Tribulations of 3rd Parties in the USA:

With an ante-script on Fascism

This is the 3rd time I’ve ran for U.S. President, each time presents new challenges as unique situations confront candidates. They say we live and learn, if this is so, then as the United Fascist Union candidate for President, I’ve discovered how hard it is for fringe parties to field candidates.  It doesn’t seem it should be this difficult to get on the ballot as a candidate or get new parties recognized in a democratic country.  A big part of it is cost.  You’ve heard of running on a shoestring, well I often feel I’ve got a shoe without a string.  A harsh reality in the Western nations is that because of the capitalist economic system everything revolves around money.

This is fine for millionaires like Clinton, and McCain, who not only have personal fortunes in reserve to call on but, also support from the industrial sector at their disposal.  At the same time, this dependency on campaign financing, is one of the chief aspects that prevents that prevents candidates from representing factions that are not so well-funded from gaining ballot status and establishing the parties they represent as legal entities.   Whether it is intentional or not, this dependency on large amounts of money prevents the average man from active participation in the political process.  This then stops true democratic interaction from occurring between the masses and the organ of state.

But a lack of funds isn’t the only aspect holding minor-party candidates down and preventing their parties from achieving national recognition.  An even bigger problem may be the way they’ve designed the political arena in America.  They tell us on the one hand, America promotes and protects free speech, and then on the other hand, the powers that be say they won’t allow 3rd party candidates in the national presidential debate as they don’t have a realistic chance of winning.  Now, I ask you how are candidates nobody knows are running supposed to have a realistic chance of winning?

When we renewed the United Fascist Union of Luzerne County’s charter in 1996 amended after I accepted the leadership, the lawyer doing our paperwork informed us we could incorporate as a religious association, a social club or a union.  Inquiring as to the reason for this he told us, there’s no provision for incorporating new political parties in Pennsylvania.  Querying further he informed us, there was nothing we could do to alter the situation short of changing the state constitution.

This inspired us to dig through forgotten tomes and dusty archives in a quest for the alleged freedoms the propagandists of the old Republic claim Americans are supposed to have.  We discovered these freedoms, especially when applied to political parties, are largely mythical.  Many objections were raised after the USA Patriot Act went into effect; critics claimed it threatened the republican foundation upon which America was founded.  Few people recall their have been other pieces of legislation passed that could be viewed as even more objectionable, Ronald Reagan’s Rex 84 protocol and the Smith Act.

Drawing for personal experience we gathered enough signatures in 2000’ to get a ballot listing in Indiana but, they denied us this privilege by citing an obscure provincial law declaring the United Fascist Union an un-American association because of Benito Mussolini’s involvement with the Axis powers during World War Two.  These are just a few examples to illustrate some obstacles 3rd parties face in modern America.  Indeed there are many more but, as always, time is a mitigating factor.

I read somewhere once that in the high echelons of government Germany’s top brass realized they had lost the war in 1942.  However, despite the hopelessness of their cause, the German government forced their men of arms to fight on without any hope of winning.  This was done because the National Socialist Party didn’t want to risk lifting “The War Time Emergency Powers Act”, call a general election and, risk losing power to another faction having led the nation in a disastrous war.  So you see, the SYSTEM never wants to quit being the system regardless of whether another faction would provide better government or not.

There is no doubt in my mind at all corporate statism could provide our country with a better economic foundation than can the lasses-faire capitalist elite who are running the show now.  Fascism has always brought peace, plenty, and prosperity to any land fortunate enough to have a fascist government.  Benito Mussolini said, he designed Corporate Statism to bridge the gulf between the classes and raise the general standard-of-living by creating economic equality.  Corporate Statism is the only modern economic system that’s proven it works in country after country every time.

As the spokesman for the United Fascist Union I’ve discovered one of our biggest problems is straightening out the public’s view of what fascism is.  You can blame the public school system in America, at least in part, for the way the masses are.  When I was a boy we read from an American History textbook that devoted two pages to World War One, and three or four to World War Two.  Now what pray tell is one supposed to learn from such a book?

Politics is important; as it’s through the political arena the powers that be control all our lives.  Make no mistake about it friends, whether through e-tests on our cars or zoning laws, local and national governments manage our lives for us.  So, if you are to regain control of your life it’s important you know how governments work.  Also, understand that the people in power count on you being ignorant of the art of politics to control you.

Politics comes from the word “POLICY”, implying to make policies for public welfare.  Theoretically, they should be policies in conjunction with popular will for the general good of the community as a whole.  So, the only reason to be involved with politics is to help people live better lives.  The State, theoretically anyway, should provide citizens with freedom under the law.  This under the law seems to be the tricky bit, because of the flaw in the basic nature of men.  Those in power seem to want more power at the expense of those who can’t fight back.  It was this basic dynamic Benito Mussolini hoped to defeat when he outlined CORPORATE STATISM. 

The gnosis of fascism is the theory of the organic state, whose subjects are component parts of the greater whole.  The state becomes a life form unto itself endowed with a life force gathered from the vital will of the nationality residing in it.  Happy, healthy citizens content in their culture, working within the established paradigm of the country transfer wellness and health to the body politic which in turn, provides good government for the people of their realm.

A nation with mounds of pointless legislation like e-tests for motor cars and seat belt regulations designed purely to control the common peoples action and bridle personal property, is a sick country populated by a diseased or a despisable people.  The Gods know what Benito Mussolini would make of America were he alive today, with its legal drinking age, and laws prohibiting minors from buying beer.  He would probably compare it to a zoo, where a caged animal rips out its own fur to combat the boredom of confinement.

One thing we must be aware of regarding fascism is, it’s a left-wing ideology, it’s core being Corporate Statism.  Corporate Statism is a radical form of socialism designed to be the great equalizer bridging the gap between the classes.  The founders of our sect were wise enough to realize you can talk all you want about racial equality, religious equality or sexual equality, yet none of it’s worth a tinkers-damn unless you’ve achieved ECONOMIC EQUALITY first.

In a fascist nation-state the federal government works to make a profit for the masses instead of using them for gain as is common in a capitalist system.  It can do this because in a fascist country the government is run like a corporation, to make a profit for the general welfare of the entire country, instead of special interest groups as democratic governments do.  So, a fascist economy is the only system that constantly pays the people like a corporation does its shareholders.

A government that actually gives something back to the masses in an attempt to improve the quality of life is better than one that continually takes and leaves the public with nothing.  Therefore, with fascism we can transform the federal government from an entity that serves special interest groups to one that serves You.  Doesn’t that sound better than being a patsy for a parasite that uses you as voting cattle to make a greedy elite richer?

We believe using fascism as a tool we can usher in a new golden age of peace, plenty, and prosperity that will turn the planet earth into a paradise.

Mr. J. Grimes


City of Wilkes-Barre

In the Province of Pennsylvania

Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Eight


The U.F.U. 0n Democracy V. Dictatorship

This is our candidates brief outline on various systems of government from the dawn of history up to our modern times.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Apr. 07, 2008 at 06:56pm
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To the Editor:

Men have developed various systems of statecraft since the dawn of civilization, when people first dammed the Euphraties & formed a tribal community. These formulas for government ranged from a rule by "a Council" collective body of men, to the rule of a "Monarch", ruling family backed by a landed gentry. Also there were the elightened Greeks who gave the world TRUE "republicanism", popular rule by all the city's citizens. As well as the MILITARY rulers resembling a modern day dictator.

The "city-state" first developed in The Land 0f Ur after the "Atlanean migration" to the Near East. This came about as people redicovered, after the deluge, the need to practice collectivism. NEBUCHADNEZZAR became the worlds first real King, as we commonly use the word today. As men developed the concept of the "nation-state", they made inovations to the sciences of government. In some countries "democracy" took root, similar to the abomination now plaguing -and killing- this once great country of ours, while other nations developed a superior form of government the "Military Dictatorship System" of government.

In a dictatorship system a strong man supported by the police & law enforcement manages the land according to thte publics TRUE WILL. THe United Fascist Union endorses the DICTATOR SYSTEM rather than the liberal democracies plaguing the West today, thinking it is superior to democracy. The Dictator State improves the quality of life, creates economic equality with social justice and is more representative of the masses wishes than democracy.

By contrast the Fascist Union likens what passes for democracy in the West today to a form of a political HIV, any nation infected with it will surely die from the disease. We see how in America, the capitalist elite zap the masses of vital energy like a film vampire drain his victim of blood then leaves them to die. The stark contrast between haves and have nots has never been so great as under the reign of baby Bush and cabal his parasitic oil barons.

The United Fascist Union believes we can not only cure America of this political aids with a health giving Dictator State but, we can carry the System of Dictators to other countries, using it as a political ATZ to cure the world of the political parasite democracy, then unite all mankind, regardless of race, colour or creed as equals & brothers under the Earth Government of the Fascist Dictatorship which will usher in a new golden age of planetary peace, plenty and prosperity for all mankind regardless of race, color, creed or point of national origin.


Mr. J. Grimes
Presidential candidate
of the United Fascist Union


The Fascist Solution to Combat Inflation

A proposal for a national UNIVERSAL PRICE INDEX to freeze prices and cut costs to consumers.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on May. 08, 2008 at 12:59pm
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Letter to the Editor:

The rate of joblessness in the first three months of 2007 neared a staggering quarter of a million, putting unemployment at the 5.1% mark.   The interest rate reductions the Federal Reserve Bank depends on to energize the economy could sow the seeds of inflation down the road.  It becomes clearer every day the bourgeoisie elite ruling America now have no solutions to counter the countries economic problems.

The United Fascist Union proposes a “Universal Price Index” be developed according to what the common man can reasonably bear that would fix and , then drastically reduce, the cost on ALL necessities of life.  Using the U. P. I. as a tool the U. F. U. could roll back the cost-of-living to what it was in the 1970’s.  This is a logical, reasonable way to control inflation.

Mr. Jack Grimes,

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


mudgeon by mudgeon
on May. 08, 2008 at 12:27pm
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Jack, 5.1 is not all that "staggering." Most of the West would give their left nut and a pint of blood for that stagger.
And you confidently assert that you could roll back the cost of living to what it was in the 1970's (when it was the same) but without giving us any reason to think you can. Not winnin' a lot of hearts and minds here, dude - and you might want to re-think that name. "Fascist"? Where the hell do you think you are?
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on May. 09, 2008 at 02:10pm
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These letters are NOT detailed as they can't be. Most newspapers have 200 to 250 word limits. Mr. Grimes cranks out one a week, they're purpose is to fill the U.F.U.'s coffers quick and drum up votes fast.

To their credit they are as factual as we can make them given the space limitations editors impose on contributors from the public. Mr. G. usually reads The Cecil Whig (MD), The News Journal (DE), The Times Leader (PA) & USA Today every morning. Usually picking a topic from one of these papers.

We try to tell voters the truth in these briefs and, that's all they are. While keeping on current events which the public needs to know about. There is a serious error in the version published here, I caught it before sending them out to newspapers today. Line one, paragraph one, should read "IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF 2008" not 2007.

jlarsen by jlarsen
on May. 09, 2008 at 02:26pm
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Thankfully, no one person or group has the authority, or the ability to "freeze prices".

Freezing prices would cause the GNP and employment to drop, unemployment would skyrocket, and we wouldn't be much better off than people were during the great depression.

Why don't you recommend to Mr. Grimes that he take a course in economics, if he wants to be taken seriously as a candidate for anything.

Sorry, I hate fascism with every fiber of my being, voting fascist is something I'd never do, even if what the fascists have to say even remotely made sense. The government we currently have is too close to fascism for my tastes as it is. I'd prefer to move away from where we are in the opposite direction of fascism


The Fascist Solution to Combat Inflation

A proposal for a national UNIVERSAL PRICE INDEX to freeze prices and cut costs to consumers.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on May. 08, 2008 at 12:59pm
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Letter to the Editor:

The rate of joblessness in the first three months of 2007 neared a staggering quarter of a million, putting unemployment at the 5.1% mark.   The interest rate reductions the Federal Reserve Bank depends on to energize the economy could sow the seeds of inflation down the road.  It becomes clearer every day the bourgeoisie elite ruling America now have no solutions to counter the countries economic problems.

The United Fascist Union proposes a “Universal Price Index” be developed according to what the common man can reasonably bear that would fix and , then drastically reduce, the cost on ALL necessities of life.  Using the U. P. I. as a tool the U. F. U. could roll back the cost-of-living to what it was in the 1970’s.  This is a logical, reasonable way to control inflation.

Mr. Jack Grimes,

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


mudgeon by mudgeon
on May. 08, 2008 at 12:27pm
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Jack, 5.1 is not all that "staggering." Most of the West would give their left nut and a pint of blood for that stagger.
And you confidently assert that you could roll back the cost of living to what it was in the 1970's (when it was the same) but without giving us any reason to think you can. Not winnin' a lot of hearts and minds here, dude - and you might want to re-think that name. "Fascist"? Where the hell do you think you are?
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on May. 09, 2008 at 02:10pm
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These letters are NOT detailed as they can't be. Most newspapers have 200 to 250 word limits. Mr. Grimes cranks out one a week, they're purpose is to fill the U.F.U.'s coffers quick and drum up votes fast.

To their credit they are as factual as we can make them given the space limitations editors impose on contributors from the public. Mr. G. usually reads The Cecil Whig (MD), The News Journal (DE), The Times Leader (PA) & USA Today every morning. Usually picking a topic from one of these papers.

We try to tell voters the truth in these briefs and, that's all they are. While keeping on current events which the public needs to know about. There is a serious error in the version published here, I caught it before sending them out to newspapers today. Line one, paragraph one, should read "IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF 2008" not 2007.

jlarsen by jlarsen
on May. 09, 2008 at 02:26pm
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Thankfully, no one person or group has the authority, or the ability to "freeze prices".

Freezing prices would cause the GNP and employment to drop, unemployment would skyrocket, and we wouldn't be much better off than people were during the great depression.

Why don't you recommend to Mr. Grimes that he take a course in economics, if he wants to be taken seriously as a candidate for anything.

Sorry, I hate fascism with every fiber of my being, voting fascist is something I'd never do, even if what the fascists have to say even remotely made sense. The government we currently have is too close to fascism for my tastes as it is. I'd prefer to move away from where we are in the opposite direction of fascism.


The Changing Complexion of Baltimore's Neighborhoods!

Baltimore & it's surrounds, ethnic issues, United Fascist Union.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on May. 22, 2008 at 05:36pm
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Dear Editor:                                                                                                                                                           Please Publish!

A member of the United Fascist Union who lives in the Hampden area gave me a copy of your CP, which featured an article entitled "Uneasy Street" by Michael Anft (2/25). While in the aforementioned article your newspaper admits that the residents of Hampden are only following a national trend in which "all ethnic groups" are polarizing around their own kind, by the same token you seem to be blaming the white people of the neighborhood for desiring to preserve the cultural solidarity of their area. Why is this?

If Negroes form blockbuster clubs to force their way into white neighborhoods they are hailed as wonderful champions of the rotten government's stinking "multicultural" antiwhite ethnic policies. But if Aryan-Americans try to resist the Negro invasion of their traditional neighborhoods they are libeled and slandered in the press. Why the double standard? If it is good for one ethnic group to practice racial solidarity to achieve an ethnic agenda, why is it bad for another people to do likewise?

We certainly don't want the United Fascist Union to be lumped in with vile hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party because true Roman fascism has always endorsed a doctrine of fairness and an equal distribution of justice under the law, providing civic order. A press that is biased against the white people is a threat to law and order because it will incite racial bigotry among the minorities in America against the host population. President James Monroe said, "News must be impartial if we are to maintain a free press." How does promoting hatred of whites fit the bill?

If the Americans will accept "the salad-bowl theory" in place of Israel Zangwill's "melting-pot theory," we may achieve true equality among all races by developing a mutual respect for everyone's unique culture. And out of this mutual respect will come a new age of love, harmony, and joy.

Jack Grimes
Director and CEO, United Fascist Union


Human_Person_Jr by Human_Person_Jr
on May. 22, 2008 at 10:57pm
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Have you, or anyone you know, been abducted by aliens?

Happens to me all the time. Well, never, which is practically all the time.

Have you, or anyone you know, been accused of having a mental disorder? No? That means no one is truly paying attention; otherwise, you'd be hanging out in loony central for a few years.



The Real Reason for Constant Petrol Price Hikes!

The United Fascist Union's candidate for US President offers logical, reasonable solutions to stop rising prices of gasoline.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on May. 30, 2008 at 11:12am
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                                                                                                              Submitted for Publication

To the Editor:

It has been said over the past eight years the Bush regime has decimated the American middle-class.  This statement makes one wonder if the falsely inflated price of petrol is not a tactic being used by Bush & Co. to squeeze out the few remaining private filling station owners left in business in the USA today.

It is a well-known fact that the motley crew who hold the nation hostage now, with their phony “War on Terror” are shills for the big oil companies.  It makes sense that the oil companies would want to squeeze independent operators out of the market.  The United Fascist Union proposes the government freeze petrol prices, then enforce The Sherman Act with regards to oil monopolies.

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


Your Social Security Woes & the US Election of 2008!

social security, elections, economic issues.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jun. 03, 2008 at 01:05pm
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To the Editor:

The Social Security program, the experts say, is headed for bankruptcy by 2018 or sometime thereafter.  Yet the government has placed the money from this fund, and the money they are getting from investors in Social Security bond into the General Fund so they can spend it as part of the federal budget. As a further insult to taxpayers who must work from 20 to 30 years at a job to get retirement benefits, they also voted themselves a 100% retirement benefit if they complete just one term in office.

What will happen to the taxpayers that have paid into this fund for decades, and depended on getting well-earned retirement benefits for their golden years?  Remember, when the Social Security fund was created participation in the program was voluntary, contributions were tax-deductible, and the payments from Social Security were never to be taxed as income.

Now everything has changed, these benefits are taxable, and the money from this fund has been transferred to the general fund for them to spend as they wish.  The government needs to STOP wasting our money. The Fascists  have a long tradition as physical conservatives. If you want a government that will look out for your financial interests VOTE FASCIST 2008!   Let’s see some action at the voting booths come November, put the United Fascist Union in the White House to cure your Social Security woes!!!

Sincerely yours,
Mr. J Grimes

Presidential Candidate

of the United Fascist Union


Vampires Fact 0r Fiction

legendary creatures, occult authors, demonic beings.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> religion & philosophy
on Jun. 02, 2008 at 12:04pm
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Dear Kim:

In an article entitled “Michelle Belanger’s Life as a Psychic Vampire” the author implies the vampire of myth and legend is an archetypal personification of humanity’s fear of the hungry dead.  My friend, Jackson Grimes, who claims vampires really do exist, would dispute this statement for sure as he says he has met real vampires.

Allegedly, Mr. Grimes was staying at the home of his friend, Anton La Vey, for an extended period- yes, I mean the occult author, when he was introduced to an old man who was the head of a vampire sect.  Even though he looked like a man of about 60, he swore he had come to the New World in the days of the wooden sailing ships.  It seems in spite of the taboos against race-mixing, he got friendly with an Indian maiden who made him what he was today.

According to his account, the human host is inhabited by a demon that buddies up in the body with the original spirit.  By some undescribed means the demonic companion is capable of slowing down the rate at which the host’s body ages, so it ages one year in nine.  This, I assume, is why it needs to feed on the blood of living victims.

Heather Goldsmith


thel1lyone by thel1lyone
on Jun. 02, 2008 at 09:33pm
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I believe they exist. If I'm not mistaken, to advance in the Church of Satan past a certain point one has to choose between either vampirism or lycanthropy. If it's not the CoS, it's Freemasonry - the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis in Misriam.

Are you actually a witch, or is that just a handle?
The Lost Dutchman by The Lost Dutchman
on Jun. 03, 2008 at 05:38am
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Now, this is really interesting!... It's like... mystic faction? Love it!
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Jul. 14, 2008 at 12:04pm
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Jack Grimes was personal friends friends with Anton La Vey, as I say and, he introduced Mr. G. to an old dude who claimed to be a REAL immortal vampire. But, La Vey was a rationalist, atheist, who didn't believe in anything mystical.

0ne day Jack overheard the Master vampire say something about, "that bald headed son-of-bitch". Then the sects leader either psychically or by reading body language, knew he heard some of the comment and told him, "Yes, I mean your buddy, he only hangs around here to get information for his goddamned books".


How The Power Elite Rule the USA!

Some observations Mr. G. came up with after reading C. Wright Mills "The Power Elite". They are important observations, more so since the 9/11 hoax than when they were written.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jul. 14, 2008 at 11:51am
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 RE: Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

C. Wright Mills believes the power elite tolerates the procedures of democracy because it owns them and can make sure that they act in its interests no matter what the outcome of elections may be.  This explains why minor parties like the United Fascist Union never receive enough press coverage or money to have a realistic chance of threatening the established order.

Mills’ book “The Power Elite” challenges the assumption that societies have democratic political institutions.  He asserts instead that party politics and elections are little more than rituals.  This explains why parties like the United Fascist Union are only given token recognition when we do manage to field candidates for public office, and why the common peoples’ lot in life only continues to get worse in America.

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate

of the United Fascist Union


Jackson Grimes and the Proverb of the Bright & Shiny Penny!

The United Fascist Union leader addresses our grotto in Halifax, NS.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jul. 03, 2008 at 05:25pm
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Jackson Grimes & the U F U Canada Ltd.

The Proverb of the Penny 

 Look at the bright and shiny penny, on one side is a maple leaf, on the other, the head of the British sovereign.  This is one object, anyone whose ever carried change in his pocket knows this. Yet, if a man from Mars landed on earth, and he were to see the heads up side of a penny lying on the ground, if after his leaving the scene someone turns the coin over then the visitor from outer space passes by again in route seeing the same coin but, the tail side visible instead.  The alien now believes he has seen two objects instead of one. Unless martians have a coin comparable to the penny, that is.   The same rules apply to the election in America.  The Democrats and Republicans were in fact, one party once upon a time, just like America and Canada were one country, under the crown until the rebellion of the lower 13 colonies, then the War of 1812, changed all that.  In fact, I think in the case of the Democrats and Republicans, they still are one party, and the American elections are a horse and pony show to entertain the masses, and keep the illusion of democracy alive in that USA.  Living with the delusions is dangerous.  It surprises me when Canadians ask me if I think McCain or Obama will win, and what will it matter if either one of these characters does manage to win.  How can anyone seeing the state of the Union today believe the powers that be have the publics best interest at heart? 

Now, if our friend from Mars realized the penny wasn’t fixed to the ground and he picked it up in his hand and turned it and examined it he would understand it was one object and what he had originally  thought was merely an optical illusion caused by his own ignorance.  But suppose something happened and our visitor from outer space and he could not retrieve the coin- somebody cemented it in the sidewalk or tossed it in a fish pond on a lark- then it would become more difficult for him to discover the truth.  Apply the same logic to the political arena in the states today, then you’ll soon see that what the Americans call an election is nothing more than a carnival game of the pea and shells dressed up as political choice used to fulfill the master minds’ protocols of global government.  It’s not the politician that matters, but the agenda, which is why the d*mn democrats and rotten republicans strictly maintain their monopoly on the political arena south of the border.  Via this monopoly, they control public thought preventing other political philosophies from cropping up.  The capitalist parasites who rule the USA know that if a wholesome economic ideology like Benito Mussolini’s fascism were to catch on their jig would be up with their crooked shell game.  The men and women who run as mainstream candidates are carbon copies of one another, it’s the agenda, not the face, that matters.  The ONLY hope the Americans have lies in creating new political movements, not in McCain or Obama.  Now friends do you begin to see the convoluted nature of American politics today and our struggle to free the public mind from our 0rwellian Ubermensch?  

This the 3rd time I have ran for U. S. President on the United Fascist Union ticket.  Each time it gets harder and harder.  There are less contributions, less attention, less interest, and less votes.  You would think with a dynamic concept like fascism the reverse would be the case.  Logic would dictate it should be increasing with each election instead of decreasing if we lived in a health society but, the United States of America is very sick as far as countries go.  The political piggies have rigged one too many elections, staged more than enough fictional terror attacks for the ol’ gal to be quite what she was in the pre baby-Bush era.  We are of the opinion various third parties were allowed to enter the 2000’ Presidential race as a test, and to add to the system’s optical illusion of democratic choice.  The system quickly realized this was a mistake, as many parties, like the UFU, placed high and were well received by voters, thus making them  a threat to the powers that be. 

This may be a pivotal election for 3rd parties like the United Fascist Union because if we do not break the monopoly the democrats and republicans have on the political arena in the states  this time around they probably won’t allow us to field candidates in 2012.  There is probably very little point in doing so if the powers that be permit minor factions entrance to national elections again any way, as these kooky candidates are hopelessly degrading these elections.  It therefore becomes vital that we turn the 2008 election around and put a fascist in the White House now, for the sake of both America and Canada.  The masses have to learn that in spite of it’s two sides, the coin seeming to be two things, it’s an optical illusion and, as long as the  western nations fall for the democracy hoax nothing is ever going to change in America, Canada, or our common mother country England, except for the worst, so FASCISM is your only logical, reasonable hope in 2008.  The real question is what kind of a future do you want to leave your children and grandchildren?  The United Fascist Union can usher in a new age of peace, plenty and prosperity id American voters will give us the chance.  

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate of the United Fascist Union

Day of the 4th in the month of JulyIn the year of 0ur Lord 2008

In the City of Halifax,

In the Province of Nova Scotia

Nation-State of Canada 


Fascist Views in the News

Jackson Grimes, fascist candidate for US President, grants an interview to richard Wall.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jul. 16, 2008 at 01:30pm
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From: rwallemail@bellsouth.net
To: jack_grimes6@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Inquiry about campaign
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 14:46:27 +0000

 Mr. Grimes;

I’ve read the material in your reply email and on your website and have a pretty good idea of the United Fascist Union’s purpose and your positions as a presidential candidate.

I do have some follow-up questions for you to answer, please.

1. What is the difference in your form of fascism and that of Hitler and the Nazis? (I have noted that you call for no racial discrimination, so I am aware of that big difference). No we don't endorse any form of racism.  0ur Storm Troopers are led by an Afro-American named Sam Mc Coy and I live with a Jewish woman named Heather Goldsmith. 

2. Why the goofy/odd picture of you in the Roman (?) headgear, which seems to communicate that your candidacy is a joke (the “Links” to a joke website further that impression)? By the way, can I use that picture for publication or do you have another you would prefer that I use? Uniforms are part of our tradition and certainly aren't intended as a joke.  Benito  Mussolini bid us to revive the Roman Empire & Saddam Hussein commands we revive ancient Babylon.  However the Grand Council of Fascists' have decided I shouldn't wear the uniform to any candidates functions, as I did in 2000 and 2004.

3. How many votes did you receive in 200 and 2004? How do you think you’ll do this year? Steve Corbett acolumnist for The Times Leader newspaper in Wilkes-Barre wrote that we placed 6th and were on the ballot in 45 states of the Union.  A radio show we did out of Toronto, ON claims we placed 4th in 2004.  At least two articles, Heather downloaded from non-party websites say we made it to get on the ballot in 31 states in 2004.  We think we've achieved ballot status in 18 states so far this time.  We'll send a more politically correct picture you can publish.

4. Do you actively campaign? If so, please give a couple of examples. I spoke at something called The State of the World in Pennsylvania and in July addressed the UFU Canada in Halifax, NS.

5. Are you expecting a bump in fascist support since the National Socialist Order of America party’s candidate John Bowles suffered a massive heart attack and suspended his campaign for President? We wouldn't want the support of biggots & hate mongers.

6. What do you do for a living, and/or what interests do you pursue besides that of the UFU? I think I read that you were or are an actor; is that true? Even though I am an actor and certified stock broker the UFU takes all my time, so I've never got to practice either trade.

7. Aside from promoting the UFU’s positions, what personally drives you to run for President? Is it a lark, is it gratifying to your ego, is it to serve your country? It's neither gratifying or a lark.  Public service is important.  As a deeply religious man, I believe the Gods give us these live, hoping we'll leave the world in a better state than we found it in at our births.  In fascism we have hope for the future, with capitalism there's only entrophy leading to death.
Thanks for your time. This information will be used in a column and/or articles I hope will run in several alternative newsweeklies around the country.


Richard Wall -------------- Original message from Jack Grimes <jack_grimes6@hotmail.com>: --------------

Dear Mr. Wall:
Mr. Grimes & Ms.  Parker will be pleased to answer any questions you have regarding the United Fascist Union any night of the week after 7PM except Sunday.  Ph #410-398-2167.
0r e-mail me your questions and I'll get Mr. Grimes answers and post them here for you,  I'll be working at the computer everyday from around 12P to 5P, except Thursday & Sunday.
Vote Fascist 2008!
Heather Goldsmith
Secretary of the United Fascist Union


From: joanne_parker20@hotmail.com
To: jack_grimes6@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Inquiry about campaign
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 14:17:42 -0400

candidacyþ From: rwallemail@bellsouth.net   You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe Sent: Tue 7/15/08 10:42 AM To: joanne_parker20@hotmail.com Hello,
I am a freelance writer working on articles and a column about third-party and independent presidential candidates.Would you or candidate Jack Grimes be able to answer a few questions about your campaign in the near future, either by email or phone?

Richard Wall


A Crypto Beastie From My 0wn Backyard

Deputy Director, Sally (Joanne) Parker, wrote this as a letter to the editor of Mysteries Magazine. As the Head Secretary of the UFU I type all the stuff for her and Director Grimes. Since there was

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> opinion
on Jul. 18, 2008 at 10:59am
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Dear Kim:

Regarding the article “Ten Cryptozoological Critters That Are Real”, you hit the nail on the head listing the Jersey Devil amid these beasts.

My mother told me a story about her aunt, Alexandra Snopko, who was working in New Jersey in the 1950’s.  Allegedly, she was at a square dance and at a certain point realized her partner for at least the length of the dance, wasn’t quite human, as somehow his pants hiked up revealing the legs of a goat with cloven hoofs instead of feet.

As to how a person could dance with a demon and not notice such an oddity from the onset of the dance, I don’t know.  But then again, there are legends of incubi and succubi using glamour to make themselves appear more human, and dropping their disguise after seducing their unwitting victim.

Sincerely yours,

Joanne Parker


Beware Bush Baddies; EXPECT MORE BUILDINGS to go BOOM!!

A short letter of the week this time. Me & Mr. G. have to go to a candidates meet & greet in Richmond, VA this weekend.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jul. 29, 2008 at 12:11pm
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Dear Editor:

Few Americans grasp the ramifications of a piece of legislation entitled “Directive 51”, which is very similar to The National Emergency Powers Act that Germany’s fledgling democracy adopted after World War I.  This piece of legislation was later used by Adolf Hitler to seize total control over all branches of the government, and establish his brutal Nazi regime.

It is safe to assume the Bush baddies will simulate a national emergency by staging yet another Terrorist Hoax to cancel the elections this November.  Once again, the United Fascist Union cautions you, watch out for this man, Bush, he is replicating the worst aspects of tyrants from the past.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


Beware 0f Bush Baddies & More Terrorist Trickery!

letter of the week of 9/7/08

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 08, 2008 at 12:54pm
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To The Editor:

As we approach yet another solemn anniversary of the 9/11 Hoax let us reflect upon the TRUE nature of the so-called terrorist attacks.  The United Fascist Union wants patriotic Americans to remember who staged the September suicide bombing, where profits from the pretext went and, who has suffered the most from the Bush regime’s bogus War on Terror.

It is vital that you fully understand all of the implications of a piece of legislation called “Rex 84”.  Also, you have to understand exactly what the defacto government could use it to do to American citizens if another Terror Attack should occur.  The United Fascist Union believes the powers that be will fake another 9/11, maybe as an anniversary of the first hoax this year to disrupt the election scheduled for this November.  Remember what Thomas Payne said: “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance”.

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


When Should We Burn Books?

Some people say this forgotten tome is the rotten root of the Nazi holocaust. 0thers defend it as a gosple against the ultimate evil in the world.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jul. 18, 2008 at 04:41pm
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The Protocols of Zion:
Fact or Fiction?
by Mr. J. Grimes
A truly paranoid and, some might say evil tome, that has caused more discord than Kramer and Sprengers’ Die Hexenhammer and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf combined, since Serge Nilus discovered it, and put it as an appendix to his work on the anti-christ is: “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”.  Critics have long claimed it was a forgery of the Czarist secret police designed to bolster the dying Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, by creating an atmosphere of anti-semitic paranoia.  It was one of the cornerstones Joseph Goebbels used to psyche the German people up to accept their government’s rounding up and enslaving almost the entire German Jewry during World War II.  Today, The Protocols of Zion, although not widely read in the West anymore are still cited as an example of contemporary conspiracy theory literature.  Though since the Nazi’s defeat at the end of the Second World War discredited the Protocols universally in all white nations, Muslim extremists still cite them as established fact and they are constantly printed in cheap paperback format throughout the Arab world. 
In 1919, Carl W. Ackerman, of the “Philadelphia Public Ledger” first published The Protocols of Zion in English as two newspaper articles.  The 24 protocols are posited as instructions to a new Elder, outlining how a small group of monied elitists might rule the whole world.  In a scripted plot similar to the popular film, “V for Vendetta”, one of the protocols calls on Jews to dig mine shafts under various parliaments throughout Europe, then fill them with explosives, to be set off at a pre-determined time simultaneously deposing all goyim rulers, paving the way for The King of Zion to step in and fill the void.  In their ideal super police state the Learned Elders’ preferred method of controlling the masses is via usury and manipulating money.  This part of the Protocols of Zion certainly seems to have come to pass but, it seems old monied gentile families like the Carnegies, Mellons, DuPonts and Kennedys beat the Jews to the punch.
The Protocols of Zion is widely considered influential in the development of other conspiracy theories.  Jesuit priest, Augustin Barruel, accused the Jews of founding the Bavarian Illuminati.  The idea that the Freemasons are either partners of the Elders or pawns in the Jews stab at global domination, is widely believed by conservative fanatics.  Conspiracy theory author, Bill Cooper, even said he believed it was the Freemasons, not the Jews, who came up with the blueprint for a New World Order outlined in the Protocols of Zion.
The most widespread English translation of the protocols was George Shanks’ “The Jewish Peril” published in London in 1920.  At about the same time the American-based hate group, the Ku Klux Klan inspired by this work took to the streets of Washington, D.C. en masse to protect America from the perils of Zionist plotters threatening our Republic.  This resulted in pogroms in Philadelphia, New York, and Washington, D.C.  At least one Jewish businessman in New York City died of his injuries after being tarred and feathered.  In some areas Jewish shops were wrecked by anti-semitic gangs looting and plundering.
Hitler and Hess were reading the Protocols from their prison cell, to quote it in their manuscript which they tentatively titled Mein Kampf.  So, from its humble origins in Russia the little book, already translated into English and German, had begun stirring up trouble.  But, worse was yet to come.  The small pamphlet came into the fat hands of a pedophile and drunkard named Herman Goering, who with some glee passed it along to a young street orator, from Berlin new to the Nazi Party but, talented, named Joseph Goebbels. 
However, just as the shyster spin doctor of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party started to promote the pamphlet in Germany as the next big thing in Jew-baiting, Allen Dulles discovered the source of the document in Constantinople and provided it to The London Times.  A Russian émigré, and self-admitted anti-semite identified as Michael Raslovleff gave the forgeries to Philip Graves hoping they would promote prejudice and incite the gentiles to violence against the Jews.  The Jews were already perceived as strange foreigners in their midsts by most turn-of-the-twentieth-century lower working-class white people everywhere, so the myth was easily spread.
Exposed as a fraud in the West, in the late 1920’s, The Protocols of Zion first appeared in Arabic polemics linking Zionism and Bolshevism together.  In a timely fashion to save them from oblivion, Alfred Zander, a Swiss Nazi, published a series of articles refuting this evidence, which he claimed firmly established the honesty of The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, and that they were fact, not fiction.
Around the same time, Adolf Hitler assumed supreme power in Germany, after President Hindenburg’s death, and any evidence that the protocols were fictitious was suppressed throughout the land by government censors.
Even though the Protocols of Zion were discredited rapidly, after the defeat of Germany in 1945 they still remain popular reading in the Middle East and the orient to this day.  While a few Arab statesmen, like the former fascist head of state, the late Saddam Hussein, had banned their publication and welcomed Jews; other Muslim leaders like the late Anwar Sadat, and King Faisal, have given them their wholehearted stamp of approval.  In 1960, the Protocols of Zion were featured in an article published by Salah Dasuqi, governor of Cairo, in Al-Majalah, the official cultural journal.  In 1965, the book was distributed throughout all of the Engish-speaking countries of Africa under the title “The Enemy of Africa”.  More recently, in 2002, a private Egyptian television company, Dream TV, produced a 41 part historical drama “A Knight without a Horse” based on the Protocols.  In 2005, Iranian television documentaries claimed the tome was the Jewish blueprint for the genocide of humanity.  In Saudi Arabia today, school books are printed that teach children the points of the Protocols can be summed up as: 1. upsetting the foundations of the world’s present society to establish a Jewish monopoly on World government; 2. eliminating all other nationalities and religions: 3. Increase corruption among governments of Europe causing them to collapse; 4. controlling media and publishing, using gold to sew seeds of discontent, seducing people by spreading wantonness and lust.
While there are those, like Henry Ford Sr. whom on his deathbed swore the Protocols of Zion are a self-fulfilling prophecy that are an absolute reality, other people like Nora Levin, state the contrary, claiming the mass murder of six million men, women, and children can be directly blamed on anti-semitic frauds like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  We, ourselves pass no judgment upon the tomes fact or fiction.  We make no moral decision for the readers of this article.  It is our task to present all of the evidence to you our readers, to ponder, and then we let you decide for yourself what you think about the content of one of the most controversial books of all time.
The Jewish Peril by George Shanks
The Times of London-August 16-18, 1921
The Philadelphia Public Ledger-October 27-28, 1919
Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler


Bryy by Bryy
on Jul. 18, 2008 at 03:50pm
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We should never burn books.


A Way To Save the American Middle-Class;

The view of the Fascist candidate for US President on the decline of the American middle class.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Aug. 11, 2008 at 12:24pm
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To The Editor:

In the mid-1970’s, middle-class Americans spent approximately one-third of their income on the necessities of life, now they are forced to spend nearly half of their income on these same necessities.  Given this trend, America is going to become a land of extremely rich and extremely poor people with NO middle-class at all.

To counter these trends, the United Fascist Union proposes establishing short-term funds to revive a mercantile class in America and shore up the family farm, helping restore the agricultural aspect of our economy.  In addition, the U. F. U. also recommends instituting a Universal Price Index which would greatly reduce the costs on  all necessities of life, starting at the manufacturing level, and expanding the benefit to the public at large.

Sincerely yours,

J. Grimes

US Presidential candidate

 of the United Fascist Union


Travel in the Stalinist Land of Comrade Bush!

This is an observation, from the United Fascist Union, all female voters should read before the November election.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Jul. 23, 2008 at 03:40pm
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Coming to Gulag Bush!

To the Editor:

This story is based upon something my boss, Jackson Grimes, told me when he went to Canada in June for the United Fascist Union grotto of Halifax, NS.  It is important that every person who values their liberties read it, and take it’s message to heart.

It seems there was a woman on the same bus as Mr. Grimes, returning to Canada and she told him that her and some friends went to Minnesota recently, and they were all strip- searched by US Customs Officials upon entering this country.  She attributed this to all four of them being young and pretty.  Mr. Grimes said she looked like she was 20- something.  As a woman, I’d like to point out that this is using the draconian legislation the rotten Bush regime instituted after they rushed their very unpopular terror bill through a dead House of Congress, to exploit my sex and mask perversion behind the law.

As an American woman, I’ve got to say this is more than a little frightening, thinking under the laws of the Bush regime they can do anything they want to us and we can’t do anything to fight back.  The people shouldn’t fear the government; the government should fear the people.  I want you to send a message this November by voting Fascist and making sure Jackson Grimes becomes the next President of the United States of America.

Hail Grimes!

Heather Goldsmith

Head Secretary of the United Fascist Union


Ghosts from the Past or a Warning of Impending Doom from the Near Future?

Sally (Joanne) Parker, had this impression last Saturday. We talked about it among ourselves and can't decide whether it was a psychic warning from the future or residual energy from ghosts of the pas

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> life
on Sep. 02, 2008 at 12:41pm
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This is a story about my feelings and I believe a psychic warning. On the last Saturday of August of 2008 (the 30th) I drove to Chesapeake City, as I have done off and on over the years I’ve lived in Elkton, MD, and crossed over the same bridge I’ve used for years.

But, this time, for some reason, during the time I was at the bridge I become so frightened I couldn’t bring myself to cross it to go home later that afternoon.  So, instead I went over and around through Delaware.  The feeling I had was one of an impending disaster if I crossed over the bridge again.  It was so strong it affected my physically, and I went weak in the knees.

Later that day, I told a friend who is into the occult about my feelings, and said that I thought it was a psychic warning of some kind.  He told me that it might be, but, it could also be something called “residual energy” from emotions of people who had been killed when an older bridge connecting Chesapeake City to Elkton collapsed about 50 or 60 years ago.  He wasn’t sure when the older bridge went down or, if it killed anyone when it had fallen.  Therefore, we looked in back issues of a local interest magazine he gets called “Cecil Soil” as he thought he might have read about it in there.

Sure enough, it was mentioned in a column about life on the Chesapeake in bygone days.  The columnist who was raised in Chesapeake City had this to say:  “Back when I was a boy, in the summer of 1938, a terrible disaster occurred; the suspension bridge coming into Chesapeake City gave out one afternoon and killed several people”.  Researching the matter a bit more closely, I discovered that the bridge that fell killing several motorists had been built in the late 1890’s, and fell apart at about 11:25 AM on August 30th, 1938, plunging nine people to a watery grave instantly.; two others who were walking across it when the tragedy occurred were injured so badly they died within days.

The whole episode freaked me out and, now I’m questioning what we think we know about time and death.  Was it residual energy of a bunch of ghosts who were hanging around the spot on the 70th anniversary of their physical deaths?  Or could it have been I might have had an accident on my way home if I hadn’t taken the longer toll road through Delaware back to Maryland?  If it was the former, how long do spirits hang around the earth plane, if the latter, how could I know beforehand I’d be killed in an accident if I crossed over the bridge again?  As I was going to lunch at the time, it was probably the exact time that the bridge had collapsed 70 years ago.  If it was a psychic warning, were any other motorists getting it or was it just for me?

Joanne Parker


Go Green USA!

This is Jackson Grimes letter of the week for 8/24/08. It's part of the United Fascist Union's Go Green America campaign.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Aug. 25, 2008 at 01:35pm
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Dear Editor:

As the combustion of fossil fuel disturbs the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, many Americans are thinking about alternative fuels as we go green. Wind and solar power are two alternative energy sources being pondered. Also, Wikipedia is full of articles about biomass and ethanol.

While we should begin developing all of these technologies, the United Fascist Union recommends we produce more hybrid electric vehicles that produce no tailpipe emissions. At the same time, we need to take the steps required to make ethanol available as vehicle fuel.

Mr. J. Grimes

U.S. Presidential Candidate

of the United Fascist Union


badhabits by badhabits
on Aug. 25, 2008 at 01:01pm
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the presidents laughing cuz we voted for nader you fascist fuck


Another Comrades View 0n Immigration

This was written by Jackson Grimes 1st 0fficer Sally (Joanne) Parker as part of our campaign for the US Presidency.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Aug. 13, 2008 at 04:20pm
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Dear Editor:

A recent magazine article I came across was talking about how America has lowered its standards regarding immigrants.  Now, our major cities are infested with bedbugs in all of the apartment buidings and rooming houses.  Another thing, it pointed out is it's these people who are importing terrible diseases, like leprosy, and consumption because they don’t vaccinate for  major illnesses in their native countries.

The United Fascist Union urges you to vote for our candidate for US President, Jackson Grimes, so we can enact laws that will make sure only productive people are allowed in  this country and, keep English the national language.  In short, the U.F.U. will keep America for Americans!

Sincerely yours,

Joanne Parker

Deputy Director of the

United Fascist Union


We Need the Total State Now

Jackson Grimes estimation of a crissis that's pending and will hit the USA soon.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 03, 2008 at 02:19pm
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To the Editor:

The government at all levels is starved for cash due to property taxes rapidly drying up, so the political parasites of the rotten, old Republic will begin to confiscate your personal wealth like a drunken highwayman.  It seems the economic collapse of the USA will happen in the very near future.  We believe a severe depression will strike in the next couple of years if the present system remains in power.

To protect you and your property from looting by the pirate government now enslaving the masses and, plundering mobs, that will roam the streets molesting decent citizens once the depression hits, the United Fascist Union requests two things from voters: 1. Put our party in power this November; 2. Give the U.F.U. the authority needed so we can become the organ of the “Total State”.  Only the Total State can bring peace, plenty, & prosperity to America in these troubled times.

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate

of the United Fascist Union


Trickery In Texas

More election crap favoring those damn democrats and rotten republicans, this time from Texas.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 26, 2008 at 11:30am
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To The Editor:
Today after googling the United Fascist Union, as  I was downloading news items for our archives microfilm box for the month of September, I came across a small notice in "The Lone Star Iconoclast" that said; "only the Liberatarian Party candidate and the United Fascist Union hopeful achieved ballot status in Texas, as the Republicans and Democrats both missed the filing date".  But, they pointed out that the Democrats and Republicans would probably be permitted to file their paperwork late.
Now, what gets me is if it had been the other way around and Bob Barr and Jackson Grimes had missed the filing date in Texas, they would NOT have granted them, or any other third party candidate, a special dispensation for submitting their petitions late.  You know I'm right.  Just how crooked are these elections going to get?  Bush rigged the 2000 and 2004 in  Florida and 0hio to have the honor of sitting where he has no right to be.  How democratic is giving these two useless dinosaurs a filing extension?
Hail Grimes!
Vote Fasc. 08!
Heather Goldsmith
Propaganda Minister
of the United Fascist Union


Grimes Interviw 9/3/08

An Interview for Jackson Grimes regarding the 2008 Presidential election.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> opinion
on Sep. 03, 2008 at 04:39pm
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Earlier in the year, I did a series of interviews with independent and

third-party candidates for the Presidential office, that ran on

Wikinews, a sister website of Wikipedia.


Now, I'm asking third party Presidential nominees and select

independents for their thoughts, in a shorter series of questions. We

will publish whatever you send to us, raw and unedited, and a link to

the article will appear in the Wikinews box, which appears on the

high-traffic Wikipedia article "United States presidential election,



The deadline for participation is November 3, however the sooner the

better, obviously. I prefer the response be from the presidential or

vice-presidential nominees, as opposed to campaign staff, but the

responses will be published no matter whom from the campaign replies.


Let me know if you have any questions or clarifications.


Best regards,

Nick Moreau


Why should Americans vote for you, your party, and your platform?   Fascism is the one economic system that's proven to work, and work well in country after country every time any nation has been fortunate enough to have a fascist head of state.  Corporate Statism is the only economic system that has actually created ECONOMIC EQUALITY in all lands it's governed from Italy under our founder, Benito Mussolini, to Iraq, where Saddam Hussein was our head of state.  If the Americans know what is good for them they had better put Jackson Grimes in the White House this time, and put an end to the shell game the political pigs in power now, are running on the masses.


Campaigns for all parties are reaching their final legs, as the

election nears. What are your plans for the next few months? How will


    Mr. Grimes will continue to go anywhere that they pay him to be, in America & Canada.  0f course, we will continue to court the press with form letters, do interactive radio shows, create blogs, and do whatever is necessary to make sure Jackson Grimes becomes the next President of the United States of America.

If you aren't elected President in this election, can we expect to see

your return to the ballot in 2012?   No.


If readers are interested in your campaign, in what ways can they get involved?   Write the.... United Fascist Union P.O. Box 2209 Elkton, MD 21922-2209     Or call :( 410)398-2167   jack_grimes6@hotmail.com



Final Article For Joan D' Arc's Magazine

A last draft of the article sent to Joan D'Arc in case the storm hits Elkton this Saturday causing our hardrive to crash.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 05, 2008 at 11:07am
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Lucifer’s World of Enlightenment as Opposed to the Smoke, Mirrors and Lies of the Capitalist Ubermensch!

by Mr. J. Grimes

You ask what it is like running for U.S. President as a third-party candidate.  In the past people have questioned me as to whether it’s a lark or for personal gratification?  It’s neither fun nor gratifying.  Anyone who undertakes to run for public office in a country like this, at the present time, under the harsh conditions imposed on third-party candidates by the structure of the current American system of government is probably either a true public servant, an enthusiast for some fringe factor wanting to promote a cause or a nut case.  Most likely, they are a combination of all three.  When I was running for office in 2008’, on the United Fascist Union ticket some guy told me, he thought anybody that could get people to support him could get elected.  This statement shows how naïve the voters are to the real workings of the political arena. American politics are very convoluted today; we suspect they have been this way for generations now.  There seems to be a series of stumbling blocks in place to make sure minor parties never get off the drawing board.  It’s sort of like the hurdle method applied to politics.

As is common in every aspect of the capitalist system “money” is always a factor to be accounted for, but, it is not the only one.  People say, “These third-parties never get anywhere because they don’t have any money: “In a way I suppose this is true but, in another way, it is not.  Suppose we write to forty magazines and only one agrees to run fascist ads.  Then our candidates are handicapped by the number of outlets that this one magazine has.  In reality, we wrote to many more than this yet, “Paranoia Magazine”, was the only publication with international syndication that agreed to accept our advertising.  Costs alone make television commercials prohibitive, but try to approach a television station with a proposal to run advertisements for a third-party and see how far you are able to get.  While we have done some “trash TV” in the past or perhaps because we have been exposed to their antics firsthand, we can honestly tell you, TV is the system’s propaganda arm, and you will never hear the unvarnished truth over their controlled network newscasts.

This brings up another point of contention.  If the press and the electronic media are controlled by the powers that be, how do potential rivals for control over the organ of state communicate their message to the voters?  There is talk radio. Our people have done lots and lots of radio shows for the United Fascist Union over the years, maybe even hundreds of broadcasts.  But, that too, is THEIR media, and they will only give you radio shows when they want to.  We have only done two radio shows for the 2008’ election so far (as of July, 08’) and, one of those was for the BBC # 4, in England.  We will concede, talk radio has been the fairest form of media we have dealt with so far.  However, that is NOT always the case.  Some of its chat show hosts have been lawyers or, are otherwise skilled in manipulation of the conversation, so that the guest will not make a point unless they allow them to.  The government will also use threats to stop scheduled radio shows from occurring. An example is the time we did a series of radio shows during the 2004’ election exposing the terrorist attacks as a hoax for a Madison, Wisconsin station.  A short time before the third program was to air, we got a very strange call, with a robotic voice saying, “ If you want to stay healthy, you had better not do any more radio shows about the 9/11 attacks being faked”.  Presumably, the radio station got the same call, as the host was ill the day we were set to do the show, and could not manage to go on the air.  So, we must deduce his bosses got the same kind of message, and yielded to the wishes of the government.

People talk about the internet being freer and more open than even live call-in radio and to a point, their right.  But, it seems big brother also has his all-seeing eye-of-god glimpsing the web, from atop the pyramid.  Just after the Bush baddies blew up the World Trade Center and murdered author, Bill Cooper, Eduardo Rios (our Vice Presidential candidate in 2000’ & 2004’) and myself were going to CNN and MSNBC’s discussion boards with some of Mr. Cooper’s stuff in early November 2001, then by Thanksgiving the network shut everything down completely.  He would post a bit, then I would post a segment, that would seem random to the general public but, that we had pre-arranged via telephone conversations or hotmail messages about what we were planning to use that day, so we knew exactly what we were going to post for any given day in advance of our going online.  We only got by with this for about two weeks; and you’re lucky if it was even two weeks.  Afterwards, both MSNBC and CNN said they closed their discussion boards due to mounting pressure over the war effort.  We’re not really sure how running a discussion board would be affected by the war effort, unless the pressure was coming from government censors because Mr. Rios and I were telling the truth about the fictitious nature of the contrived terror stunt that THEY faked.  As the Holy Grail of the rotten, old republic, the government has to uphold its lies about the fictitious terror attacks at all costs. These bogus attacks may be all that is holding up the defacto governments’ house of cards, as we will explain later in this monologue.

In 2004, Mr. Rios had returned to the United Fascist Union ticket as a potential V.P.  It was during this bid for the U.S. Presidency that we were invited to a website called Bontonic.org to discuss current events and hot topics of interest to voters.  It seems we did so for a few weeks or a couple of months, when a Frenchman, who remembered that I had been one of eight westerners who were deported to Iraq, during the first Persian Gulf War, popped up online.  Knowing of my love for President Hussein, he wrote several posts saying that the then recent capture of Saddam Hussein by enemy occupation forces was a complete and absolute sham.  He went on to report that the real President of Iraq had been killed at the onset of hostilities in an air-raid on the capitol city.  The poster claimed that these facts were well-known in France having been covered by several different newspapers.  Within a few days of this chap’s revelation Bontonic was spammed out of existence by a group called Truth & Enlightenment on the Worldwide Web.

More recently, during this last election my secretary, Ms. Heather Goldsmith, had one of TheGothicWitch websites she had created on various newspaper blogs for the U.F.U. lose some anti-Bush rant she had posted.  Specifically, “The Tallahassee Democrat” comes to mind, as having taken down a short article she had written, based on allegations a fellow Greyhound passenger told me on my way to Canada in the summer of 2008’.  This woman alleged that she and several of her companions (all of them young, attractive women) had been strip-searched and otherwise sexually abused by American Customs officials upon entering this country through Minnesota.  We suspect, because of the Bush family’s influence in Florida, the article was taken down by the newspaper censor, as it implied Bush’s goons were humiliating bus passengers now,  especially since they have been long tormenting airline passengers ever since the bogus terror attacks took place seven years ago.  In a similar vein, a friend pointed out that several of Ms. Goldsmith’s blogs in Ohio have a notice on them saying that this user is under review by admin., which prevents the public from seeing the blog’s contents.

A lot of it comes down to what the powers that be will let you do as our colleague, Joanne Parker, has pointed out many times over the years to various people.  Another thing to bear in mind is: A system based on lies cannot bear the truth or, even the slightest hint of the truth.  It’s like the dominoes at the  beginning of the cult film “V for Vendetta”, if the whole system is based on lies, once the first domino falls the ripple effect takes them all down, one after the other.  So, our rulers hide the truth from the American people, to maintain control and save their own sorry asses from the lynch mobs that would form and kill them if the truth ever got out.  Therefore, it is bound to get harder and harder to tell the truth in America, the longer the power-brokers crooked shell-game goes on.  The internet is evolving into TV: 02 controlled by the system’s vested interest groups, so it will be closed in the foreseeable future to anyone who thinks outside of the box.

Running as the United Fascist Union’s candidate for U.S. President, I was denied as many opportunities to travel, speak publicly, or meet the voters in 2008’ as had presented themselves in 2000’ and 2004’.  The first time we fielded a candidate for U.S. President back in 2000’, we were invited and flown to several candidates’ functions at the expense of the organizations’ that were sponsoring these events; which is how we met such notables as Bush and Gore.  If we can call people of their caliber notables, the explicative’s I would use to describe characters of Bush and Gore’s ilk would NOT be notables but, as many of our readers will undoubtedly be of the fairer sex, we won’t offend their eyes with words better kept exclusively in the company of crude-mouthed men.  We were talking with Joanne Parker one evening during the 2004’ race about the lack of such debates and functions this time around.  Then suddenly, quite by surprise, another minority faction candidate informed us that all third-party candidates were banned from any such debates after the 2000’ race, as they had no realistic chance of winning.

It seems to me, they allowed many candidates from what might loosely be called the freaky fringe camp to run in the 2000’ Presidential race to test the waters.  Then, after the Greens placed fifth, and the United Fascist Union came in sixth, it scared them.  In addition, this may be another reason for the phony terrorist attacks in the fall of 2001’; it firmed up the foundations of their rotten, old republic and gave something that should have died decades ago an illusion of vitality.  Do you begin to see a common thread running throughout this dialogue, when it comes to the machinations of Washington-based monster?  The term smoke, mirrors, & lies apply.  Parties are allowed to field candidates that have no hope of ever winning, to make the masses believe that they live in a democratic country.  Rigging elections to put a retarded, drug-addicted, skirt-chasing, deserter like baby Bush in office because he’s too stupid, too cowardly, and has too much dirty laundry to ever say no to the puppet-masters.  The fictional terrorist attacks were staged to fool the populace, so they could sneak Orwellian legislation under the public radar that is designed to deprive the people of every liberty and right that they have now without the masses ever realizing what is being done to them. Stone by stone and brick by brick, Bush and Co. are transforming America into one big Stalinist gulag where the public will be locked down, bolted into their cells, and under constant surveillance.

The monied elite run a bogus democracy representing a world of fiction, they fear the truth, relying on smoke, mirrors, and lies to hold their dead system in place; whereas, it should have been buried decades ago.  This is why the establishment is forced to edit the U.F.U.’s web blogs. It is the reason television shows that we have appeared on as guests resort to splicing, and editing the clips of the aired version, so that our statements seem to be complete to the audience at home but, our comments are all rearranged so that they are completely out of all contexts as to our intent.  We told you before; it is now widely believed that 9/11 was a hoax staged by the defacto government to hold up their rotten, old republic as long as possible.  The shadow government fears losing control so much that its stooges will use any, and all means at their disposal to hold onto power as long as they can, even if another faction might be able to turn this situation around, and save our country.  America is like a sinking ship that is going down; the people in positions of authority don’t know how to prevent the ship of state from sinking but, being parasites by nature, are going to loot and plunder the remaining wealth of the nation while they can. Then, like rats, deserting the sinking ship, abscond with their ill-gotten loot, leaving the American people holding the bag.  The puppet-master elite imagine that they will fly away in their helicopters and private jets and continue living the good life, somewhere else with the booty they’ve stolen from the American people.  In contrast to their bleak, black world, FASCISM shines as a beacon of light, and a ray of hope through the veil of heartbreak, and sea of tears the gangster power moguls have cast over America blinding the masses to what is really going on.

When we were asked to write this essay on our candidacy for the U.S. Presidency the question was posed as to what would America be like with ourselves as the supreme power in the land?  This is our most reasonable answer.  It has been written, in nature there is a cure for every disease known to man, however, it is a mystery left to science to discover the antidote.  We ask readers to visualize capitalism, with its parasitic landed gentry as a form of political aids insidiously killing the nation afflicted with democracy as surely as the HIV virus kills the body of its host.  With this image in mind, we will start to grasp that fascism is like a dose of ATZ introduced into the national body politic.  Just as ATZ repairs the immune system of the human, ridding the body of this terrible plague so, will the U.F.U. get rid of this plague of liberal democracy in America.  Once fascism has been established as the heart of the country, like the veins and arteries connecting the landed nation to the eternal sea, it begins releasing ECONOMIC ANTIBODIES.  These new antibodies restore a balance to the central organ of the state.    It is like leeching off the bad blood of a sick man which restores the equilibrium of humours in the human body.  By completing the process of this balancing we restore harmony in the state, and cause health to return to the nation as surely as a similar treatment restores health of a person who is ill.  Installing a fascist head of state is like sticking a leech on a sick man’s forehead, leave it there long enough and your headache goes away.

But, enough of fantasy and speculation, let us turn to some of the public statements of the greater voices of our sect to prove a case for fascism as a superior economic system as opposed to capitalism or communism.  Benito Mussolini, creator of the cult, publicly said: “Corporate statism is a radical form of socialism designed to be the great equalizer bridging the gulf between the classes”.  But, as fascism is a form of socialism, not Marxism, he envisioned a gradual withering away of the classes instead of the forced obliteration of them, as we witnessed in Russia, under Joseph Stalin in the 1930’s.  To reduce the monopoly on the nations’ wealth a mercantile class was to be encouraged and a seeding of private family farms is called for under the fascist system.  This would do two important things for our country if we embrace this doctrine now: 1. stimulate the American economy; and 2. bring an end to the monopoly on food pricing being imposed via giant supermarket chains like Food Lion and Acme Markets and the hydroponic gardening industry.   Corner stores, that were common in the 1930’s would reemerge like mushrooms after the rain and America would once again become more agrarian in nature, making our dependence on world markets a thing of the past and our country completely self-sufficient again.

At the same time, it is our understanding that people value written records that they can hold as evidence of some advancement or proof of a wonderful effect.  Following the First World War, as a result of solidarity Mussolini experienced among the soldiery, he focused more on the centralization of government, and having studied corporations, (a new thing when Benito Mussolini was an up and coming politician) set his sights on creating an improved form of socialism called the “Corporate State” or organic state.  Having coined the phrase “national socialist” at the onset of the great global conflict, to distinguish the factions he was one of the leaders of, from the liberal socialists aka  bolshevics, he had unwittingly taken the first step toward creating a whole new economic system.  This same formula of government, having been proven a great success in Italy in Mussolini’s pre-Hitler era was imported to the Middle East, where it caught on big time in the 1950’s, because of the RED SCARE. There, fascism was commonly called Ba’athism in the language of the Arabic peoples.

After the fall of the English-backed puppet-monarchy of King Faisal in Iraq, the CIA, together with French oil companies installed a fascist regime in Iraq.  They hoped that this would help prevent the spread of communism in the Middle East.  A young man belonging to the Pan-Arabic Ba’ath Party, named Saddam Hussein, who was destined to succeed his uncle, Amad Hasan al-Bakr as the head of state in his country.  Upon doing so, he would modernize fascism bringing it up to speed in the modern era.  Unfortunately, in the process he made powerful enemies in the high echelons of the Marxist-style, New World Orders globalist elite, and signed his own death warrant. Looking at it from a logical, detached view, President Hussein did what did what he had to do to make sure fascism would remain a vital world view in the twenty-first century. This is why he came to terms with the Russians, and why he advised the OPEC trading nations that, “because of the perversion the Germans made of the term national socialism, fascism should henceforth be known as “Conservative Socialism”, not identified with any form of nationalism.  Consequently, these two moves served to isolate his administration from the rest of the fascist community, which caused Syria, which now has a warped form of Ba’athism as its organ of state to accuse him of betraying the spirit of fascism by making a pact with our traditional enemy, the communists, and abandoning Mussolini’s original concept of National Socialism.  Our government in Baghdad was made an easy target for the New World Order crew to take out.

But, as it was requested, I write these election memoirs, people must want my personal observations and input, too.  When I was in Canada, during the summer of 2008’ I met an Ethiopian who spoke in glowing terms of Mussolini as a liberator, who freed his country from a despot, and built hospitals and schools vastly improving the average man’s lot in life.  While in the West most people commonly think of Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia as a ruthless form of white imperialism designed to deprive the Negroes of their own culture and heritage. In the Ethiopian peoples’ view Il Duce is a national hero who brought civilization and progress to their country.  We believe this is a fitting image of the genius who gave the world CORPORATE STATISM, since he had this whole sort of Roman motif thing going on.  It was the mission of the Roman Empire to spread civilization wherever it went.

As I see it, there is only one way to save man from his own destruction; that is to actually physically, return the planet earth to the ways of the ancients.  I believe the key to making fascism fully functional is to take Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein literally at their word when they told us to “revive old Babylon and pagan Rome”.  So, the first step towards creating a practical global government is to transform what is now the USA into a twenty-first century Rome: with the mystery religions of ancient Babylon as the spiritual gnosis.  This would give the American people a new centre to their being, and make them function as component parts of a collective whole, instead of as individuals.  We can plainly see it is this selfish me first philosophy that started with the hippie movement which ripped the communal fabric of American society to shreds.  It is this destructive mentality which is the enemy of progress that the United Fascist Union has to overcome to establish the New World Order of the Ages.  There was once a folkish spirit that was instinctive in the European people, however, the rampant materialism that has run amuck in America, and Canada has knocked it out.  So the masses are sleeping in the arms of Morpheus, oblivious to the doom just around the next bend.  It is the United Fascist Union’s mission to awaken the masses while there is still time left for them to save themselves from the horrible genocide our insane capitalist rulers have planned for them.

To give the masses a centre to their being the United Fascist Union will replace the dry bones of Christianity with the Mystery cults of ancient Babylon stirring the American peoples’ folkish spirit to a new level of awareness. The only way we can do this is by putting an end to the materialism in the West, returning to the ways of the ancients, and transforming America into a New Roman Empire for the twenty-first century, and beyond.  Once this is done we shall have our EMPIRE OF THE OCCULT bringing humanity peace, plenty, and prosperity for a thousand years or more.  This, or America might limp along for a few years, maybe a decade if you are lucky, and then simply collapse under its own weight.  When the shit hits the fan, the parasitic elite of the republic will abscond, leaving you holding the bag.  There you have it, friends, two worlds exist side by side; one of light and beauty, the other of darkness and despair.  But, like matter and anti-matter, they cannot coexist.   Fascism represents truth and healthy living, whereas democracy has been proven time after time to represent decay unto death to the nation-state. It is as if the old Roman god, Lucifer, the light-bearer, is showing us a beacon in an otherwise black world and fascism is the sun.


The Corporate State- B. Mussolini

The Epistle to OPEC Nations- S. Hussein


Grimes in Wikinews

They got everything right except the quote from Politics #1. Director Grimes will be on the ballot in 21 states of the Union this November, if Bush baddies allow an election.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 09, 2008 at 12:28pm
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Jack Grimes continues White House run for United Fascist Union, talks to Wikinews From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!   Jump to: navigation, search

Friday, September 5, 2008

2008 United States Presidential Election 2008 US Presidential Election stories

Throughout the 2008 United States Presidential election campaign, Wikinews reporters have been talking to candidates of all political stripes, looking for their vision of America and campaign stories. This series continues now with Jackson Kirk Grimes of the United Fascist Union (UFU).

Mr. Grimes dictated the answers to Heather Goldsmith, his party's Propaganda Minister, who transcribed them for Wikinews.

Grimes has been the director and CEO of the UFU since 1996, and ran for the President's office in 2000 and 2004. Grimes is known internally as His Highness or His Excellency. He was a Storm Trooper for the Facist Freedom Front, from 1967-1975. He was a Corporal for the United States Army (18th Corps of Army Engineers) from 1968-1972, certified stock broker in the 1990s, a member of the Screen Actors' Guild since 1996, and received his GED from the Ohio State Department of Education in 1991.

Note that Grimes appears not to have qualified for either ballot status or as a formally recognized write-in candidate in any state, according to Politics1.

[edit] Interview

Why should Americans vote for you, your party, and your campaign's platform?

Fascism is the one economic system that's proven to work, and work well in country after country every time any nation has been fortunate enough to have a fascist head of state. Corporate Statism is the only economic system that has actually created ECONOMIC EQUALITY in all lands it's governed from Italy under our founder, Benito Mussolini, to Iraq, where Saddam Hussein was our head of state. If the Americans know what is good for them they had better put Jackson Grimes in the White House this time, and put an end to the shell game the political pigs in power now, are running on the masses.

The election is nearing, and campaigns for all parties are reaching their final leg. What are your plans for the remaining weeks of the campaign? How will you continue to build on the awareness and momentum of your campaign?

Mr. Grimes will continue to go anywhere that they pay him to be, in America & Canada. Of course, we will continue to court the press with form letters, do interactive radio shows, create blogs, and do whatever is necessary to make sure Jackson Grimes becomes the next President of the United States of America.

If you aren't elected President in this election, can we expect to see your return to the ballot in 2012?


If readers are interested in your campaign, in what ways can they get involved?

Write the.... United Fascist Union P.O. Box 2209 Elkton, MD 21922-2209 Or call: (410) 398-2167 jack_grimes6@hotmail.com


Fascism From the Book of Job

Letter of the Week started Nov 2nd through Nov 4th. Grimes personal election 08 final comment.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Nov. 03, 2008 at 10:57am
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Dear Editor:

It is written in the Book of Job to change the human condition we must first change the human heart. If you think something is terribly wrong with this country and wonder who is responsible, truth be told, you need only to look in the mirror. Since you, my fellow Americans, are at least somewhat to blame for our present situation, the change has to begin with you. You can do something about it November 4th by voting Fascist.

As President of the United States of America I promise you an immediate repeal of all the un-American, Hitlerite legislation the Bush regime foisted on the masses after the 9/11 hoax. I promise you, my countrymen, the United Fascist Union will restore the rule of law, instead of the draconian rule by edict established by Bush’s motley crew. With the United Fascist Union as the organ of state I promise you peace and plenty for every American man and woman.


Mr. J. Grimes

US Presidential Candidate

of the United Fascist Union


An 0pen Letter to Prez Elect Obama

This is a letter I wrote regarding some of Mr. G's campaign promises, though he left for England and doesn't intend to ever retun to the USA.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Nov. 10, 2008 at 11:13am
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If Barrack 0bama is an honest, decent, man who really wants to enact the popular will of the American people. Let him do these things that Jackson Grimes promised he would do had he won the recent election.

#1. Arrest Bush & Co., try him and his henchmen for "Crimes Against Humanity".

#2. Then he should go on national television and tell the American people the TRUTH about 9/11, which we all know was a "FAKE".

#3. After this repeal all of this nazi-style legislation Bush enacted after the terrorist trickery. Stop the humiliating strip-searches of American women at airports and do away with the DHLS no fly list.

#4. In fact, cause the Department 0f Homeland Security (read Gestapo) to be disbanned altogether.

Then we will all love him and know he is the right man, in the right place at the right time for the job; whether we are democrats, fascists, republicans or socialists.

Hail Grimes!

Heather Goldsmith
Minister 0f Propaganda & Enlightenment
of the United Fascist Union


The World of Light Vs. the World of Darkness

Mr. Grimes, letter to the editor, for the week begining 9/15/08

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 15, 2008 at 02:18pm
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Dear Editor:

Corporate Statism as Saddam Hussein pointed out in his “Epistle to the OPEC Trading Nations” is a blended economic system embracing key aspects of both the “productivity standard” and the “egalitarian principle”.  So, he claimed in a fascist system we embraced the best of both worlds.  Benito Mussolini envisioned a grading or withering away of the classes, instead of exploitation of the proletariat by bourgeoisie as in a capitalist state or the ruthless crushing of the monied elite common under Marxism.

In the same tome President Hussein advised us to adopt an international or a regional outlook and renamed the gnostic aspect of fascism “Conservative Socialism” as opposed to Prime Minister Mussolini’s National Socialism.  This was necessary as the fascist economic system has to embrace the entire earth to bring true “Social Justice” and economic equality to all the races of mankind.  The United Fascist Union represents a world of light in opposition to the bourgeoisie’s world of darkness.  You, voters, must decide which world you would rather live in this November.

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate

of the  United Fascist Union


XavierOnassis by XavierOnassis
on Sep. 16, 2008 at 11:50am
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10 million negative votes for fascist liars go here

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Sep. 16, 2008 at 05:45pm
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I believe it was fairly well documented that President Hussein was NOT guilty of any wrongdoing and that Bush baddies LIED on our government in  Baghdad, so they could steal oil that rightfully belonged to the Iraqi people.

What LIES? Where do you find a defect in either the traditional American call for "Social Justice for All" or, Prime Minister Mussolini's attempt to use "corporate statism" as a tool to bring prosperity to the Italian people and create general economic equality for all?

Hail Grimes!


An Arab JFK

This is a letter to the editor written by Mr. Grimes as a commentary regarding an election article compiled by Rory Sweeny of the Times Leader newspaper about the U.F.U.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Nov. 05, 2008 at 12:08pm
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To the Editor:
This commentary is based on the article by Rory Sweeney "Fascist Flies Third-Party Banner". Dealing with the statements made about Prime Minister Mussolini and Iraq's President Hussein,i f by dictator you mean a tyrant as in ancient Greece, neither of them wielded that kind of power. Benito Mussolini was King Victor Emmanuel III's, Prime Minister, confirmed in his post by Parliament. Saddam Hussein was elected to his fourth term as President of Iraq prior to Bush's unprovoked invasion and ruled in conjunction with a Cabinet & Senate. Both leaders modernized and industrialized the lands they ruled and raised the standard of living for the average person, which is more than Mc Cain or 0bama will do for the low-income American citizens after they're (he's) elected.
Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein both did many good things for the countries they governed, ushering in decades of prosperity. Mussolini cut the strings of the Catholic Church in many ways and encouraged open public debates on religious and political issues. This made it hard for anti-Semitic gangs to work up the Italian mob to pogroms. Hussein, was practically and Arab JFK. The Ba'athist (Arabic for fascists) had universal free education for all grade levels, including college. President Hussein also enforced laws banning female circumcision and severely punished men who doused their wives with petrol and set them on fire. Our government in Iraq was one of the few administrations in the Semitic world (other than Israel) that granted full equality to women, allowing them to dress as they pleased. Our Saddam also heralded in a new era of tolerance, welcoming Christians and Jews and breaking down barriers between Sunnis and Shiites.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. J. Grimes
Director & CEO
of the United Fascist Union


The Fascist Total State 0r Washington's Gangster Elite; YOU Choose November 4th

Director Grimes letter of the week for September 21st 2008.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 22, 2008 at 12:52pm
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Dear Editor:

The masses drown in taxes imposed by the IRS to fund a system running in the red while the irresponsible ruling gentry ruin the nation’s economy.  Newspapers on 9/17 proclaim the “Dow Down 300 Points”.   The next day’s headlines read government can’t handle the economy.  The United Fascist Union has warned you repeatedly, a depression worse than the 1929 crash will strike America soon, unless we have a regime change now.

The United Fascist Union offers to guide America into a New Age of the peace of a strong man who keepeth his own house, instead of the perpetual warfare of the bourgeoisie democracy.  Under the “Total State” you will have bread, security, and work; rather than slaving your whole life to feed gangster power junkies through the IRS.  The choice is yours November the 4th, choose wisely.

Mr. J. Grimes

Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


The End 0f America's at Hand!

Originally written as a reply to an article on the United Fascist Union, in "The Columbus Dispatch" in Ohio, published on Decemer 22nd.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Dec. 24, 2008 at 09:59am
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Dear Editor:
The Chicago mob buying the White House for their pawn Barak Obama is the ultimate disposession of the white race in the USA.  Although this has been coming for years, pushing persons of colour in ads, on TV, magazines, etc.  also continually electing minorities to higher and higher political offices.  The bringing of the African to the colonies of British N. America planted the seeds of discontent.  Over the past fifty years we've saw the rising tide of colour in America promoted by the liberal Democrat Party and other subversive communist factions,  acting as enemy fifth-columists,  established an agenda to DESTROY AMERICA from within.  They have used the various ethnic minorities to ruin our land ever since, until now the caucasian majority is totally dispossed of power and influence.  Even though this warning will probably fall on deaf ears, it is given nevertheless.
The facts are these so you can decide intelligently.  Barak Obama, through his mafia and negr0 racist connections hijacked the 2008 election.  The Black Panther Party, prevented large numbers of white citizens from voting and used nazi-style tactics to terrorize talk show programmers into hiding the truth about Obama's mob ties and the crooked deals he's been involved with for decades, bilking taxpayers in Illinois out of hundereds of thousands of dollars.  He has never been able to prove he's an American citizen and has no right whatsoever to the office of US President. America was founded by white men who meant for it to be an Anglo-Saxon, Christian, nation-state.  As the white race dies America will die too and the election of a coloured man, like Obama, is the final nail in the lid of the USA's coffin.
Sincerely Yours;
Mr. J. Grimes
Director & C.E.O.
of the United Fascist Union
Ph # (410) 398-2167


Learning How to Achieve Immortality

This is my take on Joanne Parker's immortality article edited into a letter to the editor format at the request of Mysteries Magazine.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> religion & philosophy
on Dec. 16, 2008 at 12:25pm
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Dear Kim:
I was told this story by my friend, Jackson Grimes, who claims to have met an immortal man while working in Louisiana in the 1980’s.  Being a lover of jazz, Jack got acquainted with a trumpet player who worked in a nightclub he frequented.  According to a story the musician told Mr. Grimes, his great-great grandfather had been owned by a man who helped found the terrorist group known as the Holy Order of the Ku Klux Klan.  His master had shared part of an anti-agapic agent with his slave enabling him to live to around 130 years.  Consuming the completed formula halts aging altogether granting one eternal life.
With the trumpet player acting as an intermediary, my friend arranged to meet the Klansman.  The story he told unfolded like this.  Shortly after the Order was founded the leaders of the KKK heard of a potion for immortality and they wanted it, as secret societies acquire political power via occult means. Learning the possessor of the secret lived in Tibet he traveled there, where some monks told him the person he sought had moved to India over two hundred years ago.  He then went on to that country.
After he arrived in India some natives pointed out a cave atop an almost vertical cliff where they said an ageless one lived.  The oriental mystic apparently wasn’t put off in the least by the fact that the quester was acting on behalf of a black magic lodge like the HOKKK and and agreed to become the klansmans guru, then  gladly showed him how the anti-agapic was created and  how to perform many other wonderful feats of Magick.
Mr. Grimes was not quite so lucky.  All the Klansman would tell him is you have to take certain glands from living victims during some sort of occult ritual performed annually as the harvest moon rises over head.  You then extract the glandular secretion and drink a compound produced from of them.  While there is no way to be sure whether the person Jackson Grimes met was serious  or not, as he vanished after their third meeting, think of the implications if he was telling the truth.  For one person to achieve immortality another has to die.
Heather Goldsmith
 Elkton, MD


Beware Obama the Red

My final election letter to the editor for the U.F.U.'s 08 Campaign season.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Nov. 04, 2008 at 12:55pm
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To The Editor;
Barack Obama couldn't get a job with the FBI because he could not pass the security clearance due to his un-American associations and mafia links. So, how can he become President? His anti-gun stance is something straight out of "The Rules of Communism", which is fitting as his red posters look like something his mob goons borrowed from Stalinist Russia. This is bad news for every decent God-fearing, Christian, American if this Muslim loving, mafia controlled, flaming pinko is installed as a replacement for baby Bush.
This may be your last chance to get a fascist government up and running in the USA as they are just installing whoever the puppet-masters want to stick in the White House anymore. As devoted to communism as Barack Obama seems to be, this may be the final election our Marxist masters ever allow in the US if he assumes control of the nation. Therefore, YOU, had better make sure Jackson Grimes becomes the next President of the USA ,if you love our country, as fascism is the only thing that can save our land from RED TERROR now.
Heather Goldsmith
Minister of Propaganda & Enlightenment
of the United Fascist Union


Vote for Grimes Not Obama

The U.F.U's letter of the week, for the week beging on October 26.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Oct. 28, 2008 at 03:11pm
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To The Editor:

According to the libel and slander heaped at Barack Obama, under rule 36, failure to reply amounts to admitting he is a naturalized citizen, so he should not even be allowed to run for President. He’s invented walls between Christians, and Jews to divide our country along religious lines to give Islamic extremists a foothold in our land. As a member of the Senate Banking Committee Obama lied to the American people about the softness of the stock market.

In contrast to the lying liberal democrats, the United Fascist Union is a political movement devoted to physical conservatism. We will preserve the Christian traditions that made the USA great instead of allowing a weird alien cult to threaten our way of life. Fascism has always brought bounty and plenty to every country fortunate enough to have a fascist government. I promise you, my fellow Americans we will get the USA out of the red if you will put the UNITED FASCIST UNION in office.


Mr. J. Grimes

U.S. Presidential Candidate of the

United Fascist Union


An Economic Overhaul is Needed to Stave 0ff a National Depression

Our leaders letter of the week we started circulating to various newspapers on 9/28/08

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Sep. 29, 2008 at 02:16pm
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Dear Editor:
Bush was on television on 9/24 pushing his seven hundred billion dollar bailout plan; which amounts to nothing more than the government buying out distressed companies.  This seems like putting a band-aid on a wound, to stave off a national economic collapse.  We need to do something quick to strengthen the infrastructure of the country to prevent a depression.
Yet, the solution is simple.  Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein wrote about a blended economic system embracing key aspects of both the “productivity standard”, and the “egalitarian principle”.  In “The Doctrine of Fascism” and “An Epistle to the OPEC Trading Nations” it is made clear to readers that this is “Corporate Statism”, the heart of fascism.  It prevented Italy from taking the full butt of the bubble bursting in 1929, and brought modernization to Iraq.  Fascism is the cure for America’s economic ills.
Mr. J. Grimes
Presidential Candidate
of the United Fascist Union


MeAgain by MeAgain
on Sep. 29, 2008 at 03:06pm
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You need to edit the title of this and I doubt you will find many who would agree with you
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Sep. 30, 2008 at 12:22pm
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Thanx for the tip. 
Let's hope you're wrong come election day as me and Joanne will never be able to get him to run again under these conditions.
Hail Grimes!


A Real Ghost Story for Halloween

A sort of All Hallows treat for readers from the United Fascist Union. Enjoy. Luv Heather

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> religion & philosophy
on Oct. 06, 2008 at 11:18am
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To The Editor:
This is a letter about my friend, Jackson Grimes, who I believe has remarkable mediumistic abilities. I think he must have got these abilities from his mother, Mabel Grimes, who was reputed to have been born with a veil over her face, which is known to guarantee psychic abilities.
This account begins after the Grimes' family had left Florida and moved to Zanesville, Ohio. They purchased a house in the Putnam Street area in the late 1950's. At the time, my friend was around 8 years old. It was during the family's first winter in their new home that he began seeing a phantom child, who he deduced would have been a similar age if he were still alive. The ghost child began appearing to him in November or December of 1958. The first time he saw the specter he thought his mother had let one of his little friends in to play, until he realized the child had a glowing blank space where his face should have been.
Every night for about two weeks the spirit materialized at Jackson's bed chamber door, walked across the room, and vanished through the wall by the fireplace. I have no idea why he didn't tell his parents or anyone else at the time that these events were occurring but, it seems that he didn't. Nor did he understand that what he was seeing was a ghost, according to what he told me.
Eventually, the ghost stopped appearing, and another year passed by. The next summer, he was playing in the backyard with a group of kids to whom he happened to recount the events of this tale. An old woman, whom he only recalls as Mrs. Baker, who lived next door, happened to overhear the story. Upon doing so, she beckoned the children to come over to her, and then explained to them that Jack had seen the spirit of a boy who had died the winter before in the home his parents bought.
As the old woman's story unfolded, the children learned that a boy, about the same age as Jack, got sick and died in that house sometime in the winter of 1957 (probably around November or December). As was the custom with Christian families back then, they laid the boy's body out in a coffin in the living room for a general viewing. As a witch practitioner, I can piece together enough facts from my friend's account to tell you what most likely happened. Joshua Grimes, my associate's father, bought the house from the boy's parents who may have sold it to escape this tragic memory. His son, Jack, was about the same age as the child that had died. Therefore, we can deduce, another child playing in the house activated a psycho-centric link between the spirit realm and the mortal plane of existence. Jackson Grimes, especially as a young child, inherited psychic abilities from his mother, enabling him to see ghosts. The phantom child, knowing my friend could see him wanted to make himself known, for whatever reason. I think, since the other boy died at a very young age he may not have known he was dead, and should move on. Or he was looking for his mom and dad wondering why new people were living in his house. It also might be that he simply wanted to play with another child, too.
Heather Goldsmith


Jackson Grimes Writes A Ghost Story

This is something Mr. G. wrote & had me submit to Fate Magazine for him.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> religion & philosophy
on Jan. 05, 2009 at 11:01am
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Fate Ghost Story
To the Editor:
When I was a boy, we lived in Zanesville, Ohio’s historic Putnam district, which is one of the oldest settlements in Ohio; established around 1800, then annexed to the city of Zanesville in 1872.  Once in a while as we were driving home, I would point to a house and say, “that looks like a castle”, “that’s a fancy one” or “my, that’s a big house”. My mother, Mabel Grimes, would then tell me it was built by a man named Dr LaRue or Horace Nye and his wife lived there a long time ago.  She also told me the story of how many of the rich folks, whose families built these mansions, were noted abolitionists and several of the houses, were used as a part of the Underground Railroad to hide runaway negro slaves, trying to make their way to Canada prior to the American Civil War.  Some of mom’s stories dealt with these old houses, many of which were abandoned ruins by the late 1950’s or early 1960’s, being haunted by ghosts of runaways who were in such bad shape that they died in these houses.  As hiding escaped slaves was illegal in the 1830’s and 1840’s if you were harbouring a Negro, who died on your property, you walled up his corpse in the basement and hoped nobody ever discovered the bones.
Family members claimed my mother had been born with a cowl over her face.  According to Irish folklore, babies born with this deformity have psychic gifts that include the ability to see ghosts.  As I came into my teen years, mom told me and some other youths how when she was about our ages she saw a ghost in one of these dilapidated houses.  Supposedly, back in the 1930’s a group of young adults, my mother amoung them, broke into one of these wrecks with some bootleg booze, with the intention of having a moonshine party.  No sooner had the drinking got hot and heavy than they heard a mournful sound and chains started rattling.  Soon, footfalls were heard in the hall just outside of the room where the partiers were, then an etheric black man, who must have looked like something out of Dickens’ Scrooge novel, appeared in the doorway.  Seeming to take no note of the living spectators, he went to a window in the hallway, peered out, and then vanished.  You might chalk these events up to drunkenness.  Be that as it may, I record it for Fate Magazine as it’s a quintessential ghost story told the world over.
Whatever my mother’s condition or state of mind at the time may have been the historic record proves the story bears heeding.  Stone Academy, one of the houses she pointed out to me, was built around 1809 and used by the Ohio Abolition Society in the 1830’s.  George Guthrie’s Greek Revival home on Woodlawn Avenue, circa. 1841, was used as a station house along the Underground Railroad where Guthrie often hid black refugees.  The LaRue apartments, built as a swanky estate for a doctor, then converted to apartments later, was slated for demolition, in the 1980’s, after which a dispute erupted with the Historic Preservation Society of Muskingum County that claimed it was a landmark because of it’s use in aiding persons of colour fleeing from the CSA.  In addition to these facts, we know that noted abolitionist Theodore D. Weld addressed conventions of the Ohio Abolitionist Society in the Putnam area. Furthermore, Frederick Douglas and William Beecher also addressed anti-slavery enthusiasts in Putnam during this period.  Given these documented facts it’s safe to assume that there’s more than a grain of truth to mother’s ghost story.
Mr. J. Grimes


Keep the Spirit of Christmas in Your Heart all Year Long

From all of us in the Fascist U. to you & your family this holiday season, be safe, be happy & well. Go with God ladies & gentlemen, whatever you conceive HER to be.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> religion & philosophy
on Dec. 08, 2008 at 02:52pm
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To the Editor:

At this time of year it may be fitting to reflect upon Charles Dickens’ morality play “A Christmas Carol”. In 1840, when it was written Victorian England was a lot like America is now, populated by greedy, selfish, workaholic paranoids who thought only of taking advantage of others. Thus, we should reflect on Jacob Marley’s statement to Ebenezer Scrooge; “Mankind should have been my business”. Readers can conclude with this line that Dickens hoped to teach his audience that dealings in commerce are pointless unless we factor in the human condition and calculate how our business can improve the quality of life for others.

Whether it’s a political party, like the United Fascist Union, or a Fortune 500 Company that you run, YOU had better try to influence the reality that is around yourself to raise your fellow beings to a higher state while you're here on this earth or, like Jacob Marley, you may find yourself weighted down with cash boxes when you die. Unless you grasp this fact and live in the spirit of Christmas the whole year long you've read a ghost story, not much more. Therefore, we should keep the Spirit of Christmas in our hearts 365 day a year, and as Tiny Tim exclaimed, “God Bless Us, Everyone”!

Mr. J. Grimes

Director& CEO of the

United Fascist Union   410-398-2167


Remembering Pearl Harbor Day!

Jackson Grimes tribute to the victims of Roosevelts relocation centers and to the Japanese Empire for the war America forced on it's subjects.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Nov. 28, 2008 at 12:18pm
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Dear Editor:
As we approach the 67th anniversary of the tragedy known in history simply as Pearl Harbour, the United Fascist Union thought it appropriate to offer our heartfelt sympathy to the real victims of those horrific events; Japanese-Americans and the Japanese Empire.  We know now, that December 7th 1941 really was a day in Infamy like the devil in human form, Franklin Roosevelt, proclaimed.
Although not because it was an unprovoked sneak attack as his lying mouth publicly stated but, because he & his cronies forced a war on the Japanese people so they could loot the orient of rubber and oil.  The Japanese-Americans were hardworking, honest citizens who had their property confiscated after that dirty rat, Roosevelt, played the race card.  Like the Jews in Germany, Japanese-Americans were herded into relocation centres for the duration of the war.  The lights went out in Asia in 1945, when this same motley crew nuked the now defenseless Japanese Empire to conveniently end a war they started.  The Japanese, like the Jews, should Never Forgive, Never Forget!
Mr. J. Grimes
Director & CEO of the
United Fascist Union


vet63 by vet63
on Dec. 01, 2008 at 01:03pm
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Well, Mr. Grimes, CEO of the United Fascist Union, perhaps you should read your history more closely before spewing such vomit into the public domain. It was not a war America wanted nor started, the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor on a first strike basis, not because we'd done anything to provoke them. Yes, the Japanese were relocated because many of them were still loyal to Japan and presented a real threat to our infrastructure and war efforts. They were NOT a peace loving people as you say and had a history of waging war on their neighbors. And while you're at it, perhaps you should mention the thousands of Americans who died during slave labor, medical experiments and torture.
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Dec. 02, 2008 at 11:36am
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Mr. G. has researched the events surrounding Pearl Harbor and his reasoning is as always sound.  He recommends you read "The Skeleton in Uncle Sam's Closet" (Joan D' Arc's Paranoia Magazine has done various things with it over the years).  Also, read something by John Toland, I think it's called "A Day In Infamy" or "The Land of the Rising Sun".  He's got two books by this Toland guy on Japan. 
He's got so many books about Japanese culture, it's hard to keep the titles together and, the only ones I need to keep straight in my head are the Japanese cookbooks.  You can trust Jack Grimes to have the dope on Japan.
Hail Grimes!



Civil War Coming Soon!

Originally written as a letter to the editor for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution as a rebuttal to an article in the issue of November 18th about Jack Grimes & the UFU.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Nov. 21, 2008 at 12:40pm
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To the Editor:
Of course Mr. Grimes takes himself very seriously, the United Fascist Union was never intended to be a jest. This is no joke, in a country like this, with the government crashing planes into tall buildings as phony terrorist attacks, then invading countries, like Iraq to steal their oil. What is there to laugh about in these black days?
I honestly don't know what's wrong with you people, making fun of our United Fascist Union, in a dismal world like this. I think a Civil War is coming, I don't see how it can not now that the puppet masters installed this RED @ssh0le Barak Obama as a little tin god over our land.
Jackson Grimes has left the country as he sees no point in continuing the United Fascist Union now that both his idols Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussien are dead and he's lost the Presidency thrice over.
If a Civil War is coming I believe Jackson Grimes is the only man who can get us through it and save our country from both anarchist riots and tyranny under this p.o.s Obama. Don't you think the REDS will use this narcissistic, 0reo cookie, half-breed, mafia maggot Obama to infame racism and stir the masses to Civil War?
Hail Grimes!
Heather Goldsmith
Minister of Propaganda & Enlightenment
for the United Fascist Union


Gordon Hilgers by Gordon Hilgers
on Nov. 21, 2008 at 01:35pm
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We will bury you.  Signed, The Reds. 
Uncle Willam by Uncle Willam
on Nov. 21, 2008 at 02:03pm
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I decline to comment because I've never had a fruitful conversation with people staunchly convinced that they have the secret key to wisdom, regardless of what that point of view might be.  I simply registrer an objection, not so much with the information, as I don't know who Jackson Grimes is, as with the tone.  Saddam's method of avoiding violence and anarchy is hardly worthy of emulation.
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Nov. 21, 2008 at 02:52pm
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Gordon Hilgers;
You think?
Hail Grimes!


The Knights of the Holy Orders Quest for Immortality
by Joanne Parker
I spoke with my friend, Jackson Grimes, prior to putting my pen to paper and sitting down to write this story.  Both Heather Goldsmith and I urged him to write a piece like this but, he declined, saying he wouldn’t know where to begin, and how to do it without making it personal.  Consulting Mr. Grimes before composition began, we determined if we just put the facts as they unfolded on paper this article couldn’t damage his political career and at the same time, would be telling Paranoia’s readers the unvarnished truth about a series of unique paranormal events, that as far as we know have never been recorded elsewhere. 
This tale began unfolding when Mr. Grimes was Grand Dragon of the Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for Ohio. David Duke, the Grand Wizard of the order, at the time had temporarily reassigned him to the National headquarters in Louisiana to write a series of essays on Morton’s experiments with skulls filled with buckshot.  While in New Orleans he met a black jazz musician who claimed to know an immortal man.  He told him that this chap lived on a private island in the bayou somewhere.
In those days, Grimes liked to hang out in New Orleans’ predominantly black jazz clubs, despite often having pix of him snapped by paparazzi with David Duke and Don Black that were being published almost daily in various New Orleans newspapers.  So, one night after finishing a set, a trumpet player who recognized Jack, approached him with a proposition.  To make a case for the venture he believed the two of them might undertake together, he told Grimes an unusual occult tale that would fit within Paranoia’s scope of interest.
Allegedly, his great-great grandfather had belonged to one of the founding members of the original Holy Order of the Ku Klux Klan, who had passed along part of an anti-agapic agent to the old man, who had been a good slave, enabling him to live  around 130-odd years.  Continuing the dialogue, the trumpet player claimed his great-great granddad’s former master was still alive and about 140 years old.  He believed that as Mr. Grimes was an officer of some rank in the contemporary Ku Klux Klan and the immortal man was one of the founders of the sect, he might give the secret of eternal life to a fellow Klansman quicker than to a descendant of a former slave.  It seems that after using the musician as a sort of go-between for several weeks, it was decided that the two Klansmen should actually meet face-to-face in the jazz club where the black guy played regularly.
Once a date and time was set for the pair to meet face-to-face, Jack went to the nightclub, selected a bar stool, and sat down to wait.  As he nursed a gin and tonic, he wondered what the bag of bones he intended to meet would look like, being over 140 years old.  A tall, thin, blond man who looked about 30 sat down on the bar stool next to him and asked “Are you Grimes?”  Thinking it was someone who recognized him from the newspapers, he said, “yes” and was about to add, but, I’m waiting to meet someone now so you’ll have to catch me later, when the stranger interjected declaring “I’m him”, as if reading Jack’s mind.  Mr. Grimes asked what” The blond man repeated “I’m him, the person you are waiting to meet”.  The conversation between the two men then went something like the following. You are, the other man replied, “yes”. Grimes said, I expected- the tall, thin man cut him off saying, I know what you expected.  As Grimes looked at the face of the blond man, he noticed that he had a perfect, flawless skin, and sort of looked almost unisexed.  Robert Monroe, who met immortals, said virtually the same thing about their physical appearance.  It seems somehow they live outside of time’s influence.  As the conversation progressed, Mr. Grimes asked the ageless man the obvious question anyone in a similar position might; how did he become an immortal?  His answer makes quite an amazing tale.  It seems shortly after it’s conception, The Holy Order of the Ku Klux Klan got wind of an anti-agapic formula that was supposedly kept in a monastery, in Tibet, high in the Himalayan mountains.  As secret societies obtain political power via diabolical occult ends, it was this man’s task to determine whether the anti-agapic agent existed or not, and if the rumors were true, recover the secret for the KKK. 
He set off on a sea voyage for that country.  Upon arriving in Tibet, the Klansman had a series of adventures that would make Indiana Jones’ tribulations look like a day in the park.  After many life-threatening mishaps, our boy finally arrives at the monastery where the immortal man is alleged to be secluded with the elixir to give one eternal life. At the temple, he was told by the monks that the timeless man had moved to India a couple of centuries ago.  Observing all the questers hardships by some unknown occult means, the original immortal came to the monks in his astral body on a fortnight bidding them, forward this bloke on to him in India after he arrived on their doorstep. Then after more adventures in India, villagers pointed out a cave in the high mountains where the ageless one lives, this is where his quest led him.
After our hero met the original ageless one and the preliminary introductions were over, the cave-dweller, reluctantly agreed to become the Klansman’s guru.  As time went by, he discovered amid the many magic powers his mentor possessed was the ability to take off his physical body like a suit of clothes, and float around the interior of the cave he inhabited as a glowing ball of yellow light.  This is an ability that Val Valerian claimed we would have if we still possessed the 12 strands of missing DNA that the Kutsatorians cut out when they messed with the evolutionary process of mankind on this planet.  This ability to discard the physical body at will no doubt helped cut down on wear and tear of our flesh aspect but the real secret of eternal life lies in removing certain glands from living victims by the light of the harvest moon, and extracting the glandular secretions to make a potion which was consumed by the one who wanted to achieve immortality.
Consequently, for one person to obtain immortality another has to die, actually a good many people have to be sacrificed as the ritual has to be repeated annually as the harvest moon rises in the night sky.  One must deduce the victim or victims offered during the KKK’s ghoulish ceremonies would probably be bums, drunks, prostitutes, and other such people who would not be missed.  But, as Mr. Grimes pointed out to me as I was writing this article, they may capture children to use in their ritual murders, as these rites are intended to preserve the magicians youth and stave off old age.  I would think that they would also want to extract glands from healthy people to insure the best results and get lasting long-term effects.  We really don’t know because the man with the formula met Mr. Grimes 3 times, and then never appeared the 4th night, when he was supposed to give him the recipe to manufacture the concoction. 
Jackson Grimes, having a suspicious nature to begin with, believed it was a long con of some sort hatched between the trumpet player and the blond haired stranger.  But, the man he met, like his guru from India, could only pass the secret once to a worthy person, and without expecting money or any other recompense for the information.   Did his superiors who sent him on the quest in the first place, count as the only ones he could pass it on to, and he could not tell anyone else?  Did they forbid him to tell Grimes the secret, as he intended to share it with a black man and they are white racists?  We really can not be sure why as all contact was lost between the three men and the trail went cold.
However, the trail did not go completely cold.  Grimes told David Duke the story, and then together they found an old man who was a generational member of the Ku Klux Klan.  He was over 70 at the time.  He told the pair that his grandfather, who had been an old time night-rider, had heard rumors of immortal shadows who really ruled the Klan through proxy.  This would confirm the blond man’s claim that Nathan Bedford Forrest and the other founders of the Holy Order of the Ku Klux Klan only pretended to age and die, while in reality, they are still very much alive, and in charge of the real KKK to this day.  Apparently, going through some antique tin-type photographs from the 1880’s Duke and Grimes found one photo in the SKKK’s archive of a man standing next to Nathan Bedford Forrest on his left at a cross-lighting ceremony who looked remarkably like the person that came to the nightclub claiming to possess the secret to eternal life.  Do men have to age and die?  If there is any truth to this story, it seems they don’t.
Val Valerian “Matrix IV &VI”
Robert Monroe “Journey of Mind & Body” and “Ultimate Journey”


YOU: Had Better Vote Fascist 08!

Deputy Director Parker tells you why you had better make sure our candidate becomes President of this country instead of Mc Cain or Obama.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Oct. 15, 2008 at 02:03pm
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To The Editor:
Watching Mr. Grimes run as the Fascist candidate for U.S. President three times in row, made me wonder why everyone who gets elected to public office in the United States of America was a mayor, or governor, and then became a senator or congressman.  This does not seem very democratic or wise, since you know in advance any professional politician, who comes from an old, monied family is going to represent the agenda of the landed gentry, not your interests.
We hope you will vote for the United Fascist Union candidate, Jackson Grimes, who will be on the ballot in 22 states.  As Mr. Grimes pointed out in his paperwork to the FEC, “a fascist candidate will shake up the driftwood…”.  Also, only by electing a third-party candidate who has no links to special interest groups will social changes, for public good be brought about.  For many reasons, YOU had better make sure we get a fascist government in office this November.
Joanne Parker
Deputy Director of the
United Fascist Union


vetinarii by vetinarii
on Oct. 15, 2008 at 05:18pm
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A little vague on policies. But the picture of your candidate looks like exactly what America needs.
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Oct. 16, 2008 at 12:17pm
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Thanx.  These are written as a series of letters to the editor, they have to be short as newspapers dictate the amount of words letters are allowed.  Some even go by characters.  Grimes speeches are usually more detailed.
Hail Grimes!


Grimes Writes the Federal Election Commission

Mr. G's paperwork to the F.E.C. presented in a letter to the editor format for downloads.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Oct. 16, 2008 at 12:23pm
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Dear Editor;

It is my intention to run for President in the election to be held in November 2008, because I believe we need more political movements in this country which should be every spectrum of the rainbow. I see not only a need for new grass roots movements in this country, but also, for the average man to step into the political arena and take an active role in government.

A Fascist candidate for President will shake up the driftwood and cause a few minds to get busy. We must break the two-party monopoly in conventional politics in this country if we are to preserve the American people's Freedom of Choice. We must create new political movements that the masses can polarize around if we are to keep the general public interested in politics, of those, surely one can be Fascist.

We must end the reign of terror of the capitalist elite, which has driven the middle-class to the brink of extinction and holds the poor down to a loathsome level where they are no better than medieval serfs. Corporate Statism, an economic system under which government and corporate interests cooperate with each other for the betterment and general welfare of the nation, whereby government makes a profit for the people instead of exploiting them is the perfect antidote to capitalism.

To correct the flaws in modern society the United Fascist Union recommends: Halting the monopolies on utilities; imposing a strict censorship on the press; halting urban sprawl; and enacting rules of public conduct which police would rigidly enforce.



vetinarii by vetinarii
on Oct. 16, 2008 at 04:29pm
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I want to vote for this. I want to vote for someone who calls himself a fascist, then runs on the platform of freedom. I want to vote for someone who really is playing the system the way it should be played -- by standing up to be counted himself, rather than trying to steer someone else's power bloc his way.
But I can't, 'cuz it's not your own writing.
TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
on Oct. 17, 2008 at 09:55am
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I'm the Minister of Propaganda and Enlightenment of the U.F.U., Mr. Grimes the factions candidate for US President dictated this to Joanne Parker my predessor as his personal seretary,  he sees all these posts and knows what I'm doing.
I'm not important, it's the "we" the collective of the United Fascist Union that will go on long after Jackson Grimes and Heather Goldsmith are dust, you're voting for.  I'm nobody, I'm nothing.



Mc 0r Obama; What a Choice??

Letter of the week for October 12th through the 18th.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Oct. 17, 2008 at 10:22am
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To the Editor:
Voters should know Obama’s mentor, Frank Davis, is a libertine who wrote scarlet novels, and McCain has hitched his horse to the wagon of that anti-Semite, Palin.  Bad news for all white Americans if Obama wins, and doubly evil for Jews if McCain gets in.  You already know Obama’s a crook who made his fortune fleecing taxpayers in Illinois, and McCain will be a rerun of Baby Bush.
Your only reasonable choice is the United Fascist Union.  Fascism has a proven track record of bringing prosperity to every land we’ve governed.  Look at this Wall St. bailout, and now there is talk of expanding it.  This should prove morons like McCain and Obama have no idea what they are doing.  The United Fascist Union, on the other hand, has a wealth of proven methods to draw from, and an established history of bringing economic prosperity to every country lucky enough to have a fascist government.
Mr. J. Grimes
Presidential Candidate
of the United Fascist Union


Hitler Jr. or a Negro Stalin; You Choose??

Director Grimes letter of the week begining on October 19th.

TheGothicWitch by TheGothicWitch
in non-fiction> politics
on Oct. 20, 2008 at 10:50am
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Dear Editor:
Several Senators reported McCain has gone mad in the Senate cloak room screaming obscenities and acting crazy.  It is also known that he was released from The Hanoi Hilton after agreeing to translate documents for the Viet Cong.  In the liberal camp we have Obama, whose citizenship if questionable. He was a mentored by a member of the Communist Party USA, Frank Davis.  His ties to people like Tony Rezko, and Rashid Khalidi are also well known.
Electing McCain would be like putting a raving maniac like Hitler in the Oval Office, while voting for Obama would be the same as handing Stalin the keys to the White House.  If you love the USA, and want to preserve the American way of life, while protecting this country from Quislings within, your only option is the United Fascist Union.   We will provide you with good government, and keep America safe from enemies within, and without.
Good Bless America!
Mr. J. Grimes
Presidential Candidate of the
United Fascist Union


Dear Editor:
These events occurred back in the 1980’s when I was visiting the town of Tombstone on a day trip.  I had gone on the tour of the abandoned silver mine, and had a nice dinner, so I decided to walk around what the locals call “old town”.  Anyone who has ever visited Tombstone, Arizona will know that old town is the section of the city that’s preserved exactly as it was around 1900, and costumed reenactions abound.   This being the case, it was not unusual to see men in derby hats, and frock coats that were common a hundred years ago.
It was around dusk, and I thought I would take pictures while some daylight was left.  It didn’t seem odd then seeing a chap thus dressed walking toward me on the wooden sidewalks used in the old west.  This man, dressed in an old-fashioned suit, and tie with a six-shooter on his hip, passed me by without any sign of recognition, continuing on his way.  Then, coming to the end of the sidewalk, he walked right through a solid wall.  Or would it be more correct to say, he seemed to be absorbed into the wall.  At this point, I realized that this was no natural man I beheld, but a ghost.
Given the fact that fortunes were made, and lost in Tombstone when the mines were up and running, and gun play was common amoung cowboy’s  I don’t doubt the restless dead infest the place; especially old town.  Watching “Creepy Canada” I learned that Tombstone is one the most haunted places in North America.  The city is aptly named too, as ghosts walk the streets of Tombstone.
Mr. J. Grimes
Elkton, MD
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