August 18th 2009


Dear Cuspid:


It seems a white cop wanted to arrest this mouthy jig known to 0bama.  As 0bama’s a boon and his friend’s a boon, he sided with the other coon against the cop.  Well, you’d expect that as a nigger is always a nigger no matter what.  Then to avoid being labeled a black racist 0bama invited both of these guys to the White House for beer and pizza or something like that according to the Buffalo and Toronto newscasts we were receiving in Niagara Falls city.  Clinton was viewed as goshe because of his pizza parties with the super bowl, this guys a moron plain and simple. 


Now there’s talk of the Queen extending her term as Governor General of Canada.  Not unheard of but it’s rare.  Michael Jean’s a nigress and 0bama’s nigger so they got on well at the Canada Day celebrations July 1st  which is no doubt why the Crown’s planning to keep her on.    That black bitch is supposed to represent Canada at the Olympics instead of the Queen.  You know the Republican Party now has a black national chairman don’t you?  As I see it they’ll run him next time and the damn dems will run this shitty half-breed and there won’t be a white candidate representing either mainstream party.


0bama’s health care plan is modeled after the Canadian system, which in spite of a few glitches here and there, usually works for the general welfare of the public.  But Canada’s entire population is a little more than the province of California.  So it can’t possibly work out the same, if 0bama had a brain -one that worked- he’d know that.  Alex is in a related field to the health care industry and he tells me that they expect lots of layoffs at his company resulting from this from this bullshit.  The American’s at his company rushed to put King Nigger in the 0val 0ffice, now they must pay the piper for their folly.


Sterilization of gips and retards is what I’d settle for, in a perfect world they should be euthanized at birth or when they’re very young children, before they reach the age of reason.  It’s cruel to let cripples grow up that way and they’re a burden on the nation-state.


In Mrs. Wilder’s book series Mr. 0lsen is only mentioned once in “The Little House by the Big Woods”, as some guy who ran an Indian trading post.  All she says about him is that, Mr. 0lsen fought a bear with his bare hands and managed to kill the animal.  An editors footnote blames extreme old age for Mrs. Wilder’s faulty memory and says, despite her claim it’s more likely 0lsen was killed by the bear instead of the other way around as the author claims.  That guy’s name is Richard Bull; he was on “The Voyage

Cuspid Weems

Conclusion 8/18/09

to the Bottom of the Sea” before he was on that series with Michael Landon & Co.  Hollywood takes liberties with established historic facts.  Mrs.  Wilder showed you photographs of her family and friends as a child, they didn’t look anything like Michael Landon and his TV wife.  Pa Wilder, sort of looked like a wild mountain main with a grey beard and shoulder length grey hair but he was completely bald on top, having an insane glare in his eyes.  While young Laura, looked more like the actress who played her class mate Nellie 0lsen in the TV series (the 0lsen family probably never existed and were a complete fiction).


It seemed like 0bama’s regime was going to exploit the lipstick revolution as a pretext to enter Iran as Peace Keepers.  The agenda is what actually goes on.  It’s pulling the wool over the sheeples eyes.  Baby Bush was a war mongering outlaw, whose crooked regime was in direct opposition to the UN invading hapless little Iraq.  But, 0bama looks like a nice, friendly, open guy –to the naïve masses- if the Americans enter Iran under this liberal democratic administration they’d be viewed as helpers and friends.  A puppet regime would be established and America would get to complete its pipeline.  0nly 0bama looks like a helper not an invader, at least to the voting cattle at home.


I may be going back to Canada as soon as tomorrow if this apartment Kathy found checks out.  I’m not keen on giving some dame I just met a grand but I’m not keen on staying in this country either a minute longer than I have too.  I wonder if it isn’t one of those cases we all face at one point or another in our lives where, “you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


Your Loyal Servant

Mr. J. Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union







Dear Thompson:


Everybody we give/sale a manuscript to loves “A New World 0rder for the New Millennium” so if we could have found a publisher we would have probably made a bundle off of it.  The story of my life, “if only”.  We seldom give manuscripts anymore; it’s too old to be of any real value.  Glad you like it thought, for what it’s worth to you.  I knew somebody put part of one of our films on You Tube and entitled it “Transmission Revolution” but, wasn’t sure whether or not it was still online.  Things come and go on You Tube all the time.


You’re out of work?  Provides free time but tends to hinder ready cash around the house and if the condition remains unchanged, even having a house eventually.   With the economy being in the shitter your prospects for finding work aren’t good either.


The money I wasted in Canada’s a terrible thing, especially since nothing ever comes of it and I never find a way to stay there permanently.   I like Canada better than America but always have to come back to this piss soaked hell hole sooner or later.


The only thing I remember about Fla. Is through a story my mom told me.  When I was a couple of years old, two or three scorpions invaded my crib, as a baby I couldn’t talk but, guess I had enough instinct to scream.  My mother seeing the insects jerked me out of the crib, probably saving my life.


A strong smell of death as you describe is something I’ve never heard of but, nobody, other than a handful of people I write to probably ever heard of seeing death  the way I do.  Psychic abilities manifest themselves differently in different people.  0ne time we passed by an old gas station on the highway by where the #40 DART bus passes, Joanne Parker became dizzy and sick and for a while it seemed she might collapse.  Fortunately, by the time we got to the park & ride she had recovered her senses enough to drive home.  Her symptoms seemed so like those Kramer & Sprenger described in Mallius Malaficarium, when a man comes upon a body in the woods without glimpsing it; we wondered whether somebody had crawled in the old filling station and died there. 0f course this is all mere speculation, as the traction bus kept on going and we have no way of knowing whether or not a corpse was inside the ramshackle old dump.  To her credit she quickly recovered her wits and whenever we

Eric Thompson

Conclusion 9/2/09


took the #40 DART past the petrol place before or since she never had any more queer attacks of any sort.


Trauma, without meaning to be personal, what sort?  Shock or trauma can cause or give one psychic abilities.  There was a man, being in the German army during the 1st World War who was hammering on the roof of a shed in a prisoner of war camp.  Being struck by lightning he fell off the ladder, landing upside down struck his head on the ground.  Upon awaking, army doctors discovered he had psychic abilities.  So something either in the electric shock or striking his head when hitting the ground gave or aroused psychic abilities in this man.  A table turning pythos Harry Houdini failed to unmasked was the victim of a lightning strike as a girl prior to developing ventriloquist abilities.  Soon after the incident she began to speak with a voice from the belly.  0ne question, please, if it’s not too personal.  It was after you suffered this trauma that you discovered you could smell death? 


I think it’s partly due to the influence of Victorian society and in another part due to the narrow confines of contemporary religions.  Governments have always sought to use psychic abilities.  The US government using children in MK-ULTRA experiments’, Himmler freezing prisoners of war nearly to death, then reviving them during sexual orgies to trigger or release the prisoners Vril energy.  During the same war, America probably experimented on Japanese pw’s to the point where they were mistaken for ET’s after being forced to crew a Mogul balloon, their bodies were discovered at Roswell after this device malfunctioned and crashed.  This same man, Himmler, tortured captured pilots exposing them to high altitudes until they died to test the limits of the human body.


Hope these personal and historic observations are of a help and of some use to you regarding psychic abilities and manifestations.


Your Loyal Servant;

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union



Dear Laura;










Dear Laura:


Sorry. I need a firm commitment one way or the other NOW! No time to lose.  Loes think with their hearts.  Who this time?  You're more like a teen ager with this love crap, you were in love with that piece of human shit Brandon a couple of years ago.


Then why do you waste time like this if happiness and security are what you seek.  I am willing to buy a home, which you can share with me.  This guy you're in with now, does he even work?  Sure he's not married or for that matter that you aren't?


I need a working phone number for you.  If anything is going to get done this year it has to be 0ctober.  Heather thought she was a substitute for you, this caused tension and arguments, the relationship broke down more and more until we became my parents.


Indeed I loved, Marta Jenkins very much, that’s why I’d advice against it.  Love is a trap and an addiction.  You take up with people that you can use who will advance your career and position in life, don’t waste your time on filthy losers who are going nowhere fast.  In this world FAME, POWER & WEALTH are really all that matter.


Your Loyal Servant


Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.0.

Of the United Fascist Union



                                                                                                    September 6th 2009  



Dear Laura:


I am going to have to go somewhere by early 0ctober as winter is upon us by November and, I won’t waste the bus tickets we already bought. It will either be Cleveland or Zanesville, I'll tell you that.  I’m sick of Elkton and if I can’t go back to Canada then I’ll go somewhere I know rather than somewhere new.  I don’t want to rent anything, after what I saw Heather’s co-worker Emmy Jo and her child put through this last month and a half with this termination of tenancy business.  Cleveland would be better than Zanesville, unless you take Heather and Joanne’s place and drive me around as our research indicates Z-bus now has four routes.  As Marta Jenkins drove me around when I lived there I never used the traction bus but, I know it ran little better than Elkton and Zanesville, 0h. has more than twice Elkton’s population.


Yes I am a complete tyrant to live with you should know that.  But, you'll be safe and you'd be happy with me too.  I find that since I always know best in all things the people around me had better do what I say or they'll bring trouble on me as well as themselves.  I will not risk me safety and basic security because of the stupidity of others.  Why should I conduct myself any different with personal relationships than I do with the officers of the U.F.U.?  That's why I am the way I am, I find that either you take charge and are in control of people and/or events or others are going to run your life for you.  Power, fame and wealth are three important things in this reality that guarantee a happy life in this reality.  If I move again and buy another property, it will be to control more people.



Kathy Greg seems she wants to relieve me of a THOUSAND DOLLARS, I doubt she'd find an apartment in Toronto if I sent her the money, so going back to Canada with these people is out of the question.  The money I spent in Canada could have been better used to fund a move somewhere else in America if I’m never going to find a way to stay there.  Pity U.F.U. Canada can’t attract a better crew.  A leader is only as good as the people under his command, if I had better people I could have moved to Toronto or Halifax after I lost to that dick lick baby Bush in 2004, instead of wasting my life stinking away in this lousy piss soaked hell hole.


They have decent husbands and friends NOT the scum of the earth.  If we could somehow keep the U.F.U. going once we buy a place in 0hio then run it as a business, you'll meet people like that too.  Scum calls to scum like dogs in heat chase after blood.  A husband would have to be a DECENT person not a drunken doper like Brandon.  There’s a defect in YOUR nature that draws you to this human shit.  Remember when we were doing talk shows for the A.R.L.P. and businessmen on flights would offer to buy you drinks and you’d turn them down.  I think you have low self esteem and until you can overcome this defect you’re always going to draw social misfits to yourself.


Your Loyal Servant


Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union



September 1st 2009


Dear  Suzy:


Sadly, the coloured races have little or no potential.  Like James Mason, from the Nazi Party says; living with non-whites causes distortion.  Right before I left Canada, Alex and I watched a fantasy drama that was really weird, like a who-done-it, where you help the Gestapo add up the clues and solve their case.  It said, “with the war successfully concluded Himmler’s S.S. became a state police, patrolling tidy, orderly streets”.  We agreed, we’d rather live in Nazi Germany than the USA if this were the case, as America’s really fucked-up.  He’s better off as a Canadian than I am forced back to this filthy shit hole.


Black on black crime in the hood really isn’t profitable, so they’ve got to spread out to the college and yuppie area’s to carry on their nefarious trade.  The price we all pay for living in a multi-cultural society.  Crime is bad in Newark, Del. too, another college town being invaded by Negroes, from Wilmington.  Wilmington’s one big drug dealing, murdering hood, fyi.


You’re right I would be better off in Canada as this place is shit from end to end.  But; Alex and Kathy are NOT helping as they promised and winter is coming, so I’ll probably never try Canada again.  I tried six times nothing came of it.  So I assume this idea was just an escapist fantasy, maybe there’s nothing to any of this psychic shit.  This is what’s really bugging me, maybe everything I have believed in my whole life has been a lie, if the voices telling me to move to Canada aren’t a manifestation from somewhere else.


It seems you a Jason have worked out equitable living arrangements.  It also strikes me that parts of NY State are very expensive.  You’ve mentioned health issues before.  Yet you seem to survive with a roommate.  The newspaper seems to be better than it was when each of you were doing your own thing.  Two people together can do more than one alone.  Did you ever think of trying to purchase a house and end all of renting insanity?  What we’ve discovered about MD Landlord/Tenant Laws proves tenants are just pawns to be used and abused.


Your Loyal Servant

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union




September 2nd 2009


Dear Jim:


Love it.  That’s really something else.  I think you hit the nail on the head.  0ff world salvation, maybe; if any comes at all. You ever read Himmler?  Supposedly he wrote or said, something to this effect; “we have to do this now as future generations will not have the strength nor will to do so if we fail.  It seems the white people had more sense before we were compassed roundabout and vexed on every side by enemies. In the same era he lived in the K.K.K enjoyed a wonderful spurt in growth, a recent; Today In History, from the Del. News Journal, said “this date in 1922 stores sold out of yard goods and bed sheets so many people were joining the Ku Klux Klan”.  0ne assumes stores around Wilmington or at least in the state of Delaware.


Coloured’s & deviants are encouraged to parade and strut their stuff.  By the same token, if the organization mentioned in the above paragraph tried to parade in Canada, wearing those yard goods & bed sheets, they’d be arrested for violating the countries Hate-Law legislation.  It’s a sick, sad, world as I pointed out in a previous letter right before leaving for Canada.


The movie A.D. has him say; “The Jews bend like reeds in the wind, then they snap back just as quick”.  Most Romans did feel that they were wasting their time protecting an ungrateful nation from the Persians while propping up the parasitic Herodotean monarchy. In the book Ben Hur by Sir. Lew Wallis he makes it clear Pontius Pilate was hoping for Alexandria and didn’t want Judea.  Unless the script writers wanted to make him into an anti-Semite in that movie for some reason.


An associate of the A.R.L.P. named Rita Witt used to say they set the grind of life so high you can’t think about anything except the rat race.  A recent issue of Paranoia had an article on “AUTOGENOCIDE”, the authoress, theorized that; the pace of life, workaholism, inflated rent, credit ratings etc. & so on are all part of an orchestrated plan to kill off unwanted segments of the surplus population by stressing people to death.  If I had a theory, I’d say gouging’s another diversion so you don’t have time to think about what the powers that be are doing  or react and organize.





Dear Jim:                                                                                                                                                      9/4/09


No, I can’t say I got the “I AM THAT I AM” bit either, nor did I understand why the Pharisees and Scribes made such a big deal of it and forced the Romans to crucify Jesus for saying “I am that I am”.  In some film versions he says; I am what I am, which is hardly more than saying I’m who I am, which would have nothing to do with the YHVH name of the god of the Jews.


It does seem to me violence will be the only way to force social change from outside of the system.  Without off world intervention the white race is doomed; if these signs and doings of modern times remain unchanged.  A serial killer, targeting niggers who hold positions of authority over whites as described in prior letters, would be more effective than taking a rifle upon a high tower like the Columbine killers did.  A serial killer could strike time after time building terror for months or even years.


Palmer & Shaver, and many other authors, believe the deleted parts of Genesis and Exodus describe people migrating underground and fleeing back into space to avoid the Moon Fall, recorded as the world wide deluge in the Bible.   That refers to the Nephilim, the hybrid between the sons of God and the daughters of men.  The giants and heroes of days of yore, were half angel, half human mutants.


The Christian Identity people believe, pre-Adamic races  refers to the Africans but, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense if they were created by the cat people from apes or are the result of God cursing Noah’s son for sodomizing him after the flood.  It seems the Jews of today are an amalgamation of coloured people the Atlanteans encountered after arriving in what’s the Persian Gulf today.  Look at the distorted heads of half-breed kids, over generations their features will come to resemble the Jews.


Yours Truly


Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.0.

of the United Fascist Union





September 3rd 2009

Dear Cuspid:

It shows 0bama’s nothing but a darkie simpleton who’s completely out of his element.  Wasn’t it that this guy was a Professor at the same school where 0bama used to teach?  Anyway they were friends, this Professor was also known to be a loud mouth and an asshole.


Michael Jean, Barak 0bama, they’re just dragging these nigger politicians out of any wood pile and giving them authority over the white nations.  0r would better phraseology   be former white nations as were a dispossessed, voiceless, minority all over the world now.


I blame the white people themselves.  Any species that can no longer recognize it’s mortal enemy is doomed.  It seem organized white resistance would be futile given the nature of the masses these days but, like I said prior to the inauguration of the Mafia’s pet monkey a racist serial killer could be useful to send a message.  It would have been better if he would have started his bloody business before this black bastard was ever seated but it would still be putting the word out loud and clear.  He could target coloureds with authority whether it’s a beat cop or a Federal Judge.  Kill any nigger with authority of any kind over Aryan Americans every crime scene being more gruesome and bloody than the one before it was.  At each crime scene he/she could write #1 dead nigger, #2 Dead Niggers, etc. & so on. In the vic’s own blood.  The press could dub the him/her The Niggers By Numbers Killer.  0f-course in these politically correct times they’d never use the word nigger in the systems tabloids.  But, a serial killer acting alone would be about the best resistance fighter you could have the way things are.  He’d act alone, as most serial killers are loners.  So there’d be no strings, no attachments to either take down with his or used to entrap the Niggers by numbers killer.  By the same token it would make it clear that at least some white people who were still race conscious had the guts to react with violence to the systems anti-white agenda.


Hollywood takes liberties with everything why should The Little House 0n The Prairie series be any different.  Not only that but if 0lsen only got mentioned once as some guy who ran an Indian trading post and allegedly killed a bear in a fight, the closest thing he probably had to a wife was an occasional Indian squal he’d bed.  Another thing about that series that was fake, was the orphan train that brought the kids look alike’s to Walnut Grove after Laura, Nellie, etc. got too old to play their  parts anymore, never happened either. There were indeed orphan trains of that era that transported homeless kids from crowded eastern cities to the sparse American western provinces in the hopes of getting them a better life (and provide farmers with a source of cheap labour to pass for adopted sons when in actuality they were free farm hands to slave away all day without pay.  So Cassandra, Nancy and all the other 2nd generation little house kids were utterly bogus.  By that time they were completely outside of Laura

Cuspid Weems

Conclusion 9/3/09


Ingalls Wilders book series anyway, having long since used all her useful material up and script writers were just making up stuff, as they went a long that they thought would boost ratings.


The way it looks now I don’t think I’ll ever go back to Canada.  Joanne tells me none of my people in these places are really serious about helping me stay there, which is why I never find a way to.  It seems whenever people successfully move long distances they have locals to help them.


We think Kathy’s a con artist who wants a thousand dollars for some nefarious reason of her own, not to rent me an apartment in Toronto as she claims.  And; Alex, well we deduce he’s thinking with his dick.  She was actually cruel in her last e-mail (copy enclosed).


I slashed my wrist and would have made a better job of it if Joanne hadn’t come home when she did. When it looked like I’d be forced back to this shit hole, with its jigaboo President, realizing suicide is always an option was the only thing that made the border crossing doable at all.


A satirist drew a picture of Herman Goering, it must have been for a newspaper, I assume when he was alive.  This sketch showed Goering in drag with a bunch of naked boys going around him in like some sort of twisted, pedophiles, gay, maypole.  So, I’m pretty sure he was a fag.  Not only that he was an obese, drunkard, art thief and a habitual liar.  If there’s one statesman from the recent past who had absolutely NO redeeming qualities whatsoever it was Herman Wolfgang Goering.  If his lifeserved any function it was a negative example of the worst aspects of human nature. Goering epitomized self aggrandizement,   greed, sloth, petty jealousy and about every other vice know to man.  While he wasn’t an actual pedophile as such, he sought younger and younger men as he got older, so his lovers were 16 & 17 (legal according to German law at that time had they been women) while Goering was 50 something when the war ended.


Your Loyal Servant

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union



August 24th 09


Dear Laura:


Joanne is going into public housing in a nearby suburb of Elkton.  I’ve signed the car over to her; she’ll need it in Rising Sun.  Heather says she’s sick of fascism and is going back to NJ and get her own apt.  I can’t say I blame her even though we don’t get along anymore.


Since the deal with Kathy fell through, we bought a prepaid greyhound ticket to Zanesville, to look at homes there that go for between 20 to 30 thousand dollars.  I believe if I pay cash for it I can work a deal with the landlord taking possession as soon as we close.


Cleveland is still a possibility.  I don’t like the idea of a place with 4 bus routes.  We looked in Cleveland’s Plain Dealer, the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader and The Zanesville Times Recorder, Zanesville seemed to be the cheapest of the three and we didn’t hear from you before buying the tickets.


The realtor told Heather the same thing about Zanesville.  I take it 0hio is having an up-swing in the real estate market at this time?  0ne of the agents Heather called said Maryland’s an expensive place.


Not really interested if I can be beaten by a damn, dirty jigaboo.  I have always believed the Gods sent me into this realm to rule America, if I can be displaced by a stinking nigger animal what’s the point?


Yes, I had to come back before the 1st of September if I ever was going to.  Since we’ve already worked a deal to look at properties in Zanesville would you like to live together in Cleveland until we close? 


Your Loyal Servant

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

Of the United Fascist Union



August 24th 2009


Dear Jim:


You were talking about expanding the name of God, YHVH on pg 59 of your booklet; did you use a method similar to cabalie to do this?  Your interpretation makes more sense than “the I am that I am”. Although, they were speaking Hebrew back then, you can’t expect the same clarity out of ancient Hebrew that you can from modern English.  They had no vowels, remember that.


I am seeing more and more of this race-mixing everywhere.  In fact it seems you can’t leave your house anymore without running into one or more of these salt & pepper teams.  When you don’t run into this scum, you run into foreigners who can’t speak English.  The other night we went to Baskin-Robbins to get some of these new soft serves advertised on TV, there were two Hindi, bitch idiots, there who didn’t understand English at all, so I grabbed my credit card back from one of the scum bags and we left.


It seems to me distortion is all there is anymore anywhere.  Harmony is always better than distortion but harmony can only be achieved in a MONO-RACIAL civilization on a small scale.  A Greek city-state where the colour line could be held might be an example of a harmonious mono-racial city-state, which could work.  Where you have different languages, you’re always going to have distortion.


Remember the Unity is the first number for a reason.  Two, in numerology is generally looked as either a diabolical number or “the number of confusion”.  How much more serious does the situation become when you have MULTI-ETHNIC groups living in one country.  People fall into the trap of believing in the fallacy of nation-states when RACE is the only real determining factor that matters.  Perhaps, Planet X is the new Eden they’ll transport the Aryans to, to save the white race from extinction.


Democracy, is a whole other matter altogether.  Modern democracy certainly is a sham.  You vote for McCain or 0bama, that’s no choice, they’re really the same man and mind.  During the election, 0bama was asked about Cheney being a first cousin, he jokingly told reporters, every family has a black sheep in its closet.  So while the niggers were deluded into believing he’s one of them, he’s actually from one of these old illuminati bloodlines.  Their elections are shams plain and simple, the dumber the sheeple become the more obvious the sham.  Democracy could only work on the scale of a Greek city-state, like a racially pure ethnic community and, then to even at that you’d need the masses to be much different than they are now.  All the Americans, even the best ones, need an iron fisted dictator over them at present to straighten out the mess these liberals made of everything.


Atlantis was the original home of the Aryans according to Madame Blavatsky but if her yarn is to be taken seriously, they were 35 to 40 ft. tall giants with a blue hue to their complexion.  After the moon fall the Atlanteans mutated into a blond people who resembled the blond people of today.  This would explain the skeletons 18 cubits long, found in England and the giant ax heads German archeologists found in a disputed territory that was Germany until WW1 but then became France.  It would also explain the cyclopean ruins Palmer & Shaver are always penning in their tomes.  For our purpose though the Aryan race Himmler was writing about while holding public office about 80 yrs ago is the most pure example of what white people should be and, could achieve in an all white world.  Knock out the ethnic centre to a peoples being and you no longer have a people, you have a mass.


The Jews remember when they were white people before the Moon Fall and the sinking of Atlantis, now they want to become the whitest people governing a brown and tan mass.  Personally, I think it’s stupid as they’ll never recover their former status.  But it’s the best they can do under the circumstances.  This was where the Bible spoke of synagogues of Satan and I believe this is why.  They are abnormal, an anomaly because of polluted blood yet due to the distortion the public are blind to this reality.




Yours Truly

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union







August 15th 09


Dear Jim:


Yes sadly I couldn’t work a deal with the landlord to stay longer.  But, two friends have pledged themselves to find me a suitable place in Toronto by early September.    We just hope they actually keep their promise and I finally get to leave the bad ol’ U. S. fucken A. forever.  If I go again in September I’m flying, Greyhound is terrible and only about $20 less than airfare.


Why would anyone want to read about Burr’s life?  Good grief, Burr had some skill as an actor yes, he had a couple hits with Perry Mason & Iron Sides and so far as I know he was a homosexual.   But, lots of people are gay they don’t get books written about.  While on the subject; you know Toronto has the biggest Gay Pride parade on the N. Amer. Continent every June.  I was talking to my landlord at the Niagara Family Inn about it, as it was a current event on TV, he told me, the taxpayers pay for the event.  Freedom of speech is all well and good but, I think if homosexuals want a celebration their groups should pay for it not the Canadian people.


It’s from one of our films on the Romans.  I guess it’s accurate, though Hollywood has been known to  take liberties with statements attributed to statesmen and historic characters from the past.  It may be from “The Passover Plot” or “Bar Abbas”.


0h well, if Alex and Kathy find me and apartment I can afford in Toronto and I’ve gone back by then I’m sure Heather and Joanne will read it and eventually forward it on to me.   Good luck with those other projects whatever.


Your Loyal Servant




Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union












Dear Alex:





I thought I had you on my contact list but it seems the e-mail was incorrect.  Kathy gave me the proper e-mail today though so we're good.


Boy, I wish Frank and I could have come to terms on the September rent, things are not going good at all here.  The landlord reluctantly agreed to allow us to live here until September 31st.  Not trusting the old bastard though we're putting the rent in escrow and have a hearing before a judge on the 18th of this month pending.  If Kathy can find me an apt. before then I guess Joanne can represent our interests in the case as we're co-tenants.  I sincerely hope she can, I don't want to spend any more time in Maryland than I have to.  I'm a nervous wreck living like this.


We got our car back and it seemed fine to me but, Joanne's scared to drive it as she doesn't trust the mechanic's word, so we're taking the city bus everywhere.  She might have a point mechanics suck, they lie about everything.  This thing has me so nervous, I hardly sleep and/or eat since coming back to this shit hole.  Today I nearly handed the bus driver my wallet instead of .75 cents and two days ago I tried to pay for a sandwich with loony's and had to explain to the restaurateur I forgot I was in America.  Kathy was telling me this wouldn't be legal under Toronto's Landlord/Tenant Laws, I told her boy I sure wish I lived here.


I wish Heather hadn't got rid of the phone, I'll put on some music you tube to drown these gibbering jigaboos out in the background.






Your Loyal Servant




Mr.  J. Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union












Dear Cuspid:                                                                                                                                          8/7/09


0bama might turn out to be more of a national embarrassment than that retard Bush.  What a silly ass, inviting two guys to the White House for beers.  His actions prove he’s still a racist showing favoritism to negroes.  The America people’s reaction to his actions is a greater concern.


Yes he was on TV with that Haitian whore the Queen appointed Governor General of Canada, talking about how odd it was that they both came to offices they shouldn’t otherwise have because of their birth and station in life.  I blame the passive, non-violent, masses who allow this crap to continue. 


0bama is proving as sickening as I said he would be.  The bastard’s health care programme is completely unworkable and according to what my friend Alex tells me, it already poses a threat to health care provider’s jobs even though it’s nowhere near implementation.


Not everything the Nazi’s did was bad.  The American eugenic society advocated sterilizing cripple’s and embezzles to prevent them from contaminating the gene pool.  A Canadian statesman who went on to become Premiere of Saskatchewan wrote his thesis on “humane reasons for euthanasia“  in the 1920’s while in college.  The Germans of the same period thought it was cruel to allow cripples to live if they were doomed to be crippled forever.  In a certain moving picture about Jack the Ripper, showing the Elephant Man a woman in the audience seeing this monstrosity exclaimed he should have been killed at birth.  Euthanasia was widely practiced in the ancient world and held in a high regard by all civilized people.  The Romans, finding an infant malformed at birth left the baby on the garbage dump.  Vikings exposed deformed babies on fiords’ and laid them on ice floats.  Ancient Greeks left the umbilical cord untied if doctors discovered new born’s to be deformed or sickly.  These programmes to educate embezzles are a waste of time, some retards take the GED test time at Cecil College, even though they’ll never pass it, Maryland tax payers continue to pour more and more money down societies shitter  to educate these sub-human turds year after  year.  A sorry waste of money on useless eaters who aren’t going to go anywhere ever.  Hitler’s methods of dealing with this genetic filth were quite reasonable and logical.


The BLACK HAND controlled Serbian radicals back then and it was their members who shot the Austrian Arc h Duke causing WW1.  The Vril lodges existed in Germany since the 1880’ & 90’s but they didn’t have enough influence until the 1920’s & 30’s.  The Vril Society controlled the German government while it’s America counterpart was manipulated by the Freemasonry.  Baby Bush belongs to THE SKULL & BONES SOCIETY, Barak Obama is a 33rd degree Mason.

Cuspid Weems

Conclusion 8/7/09


I don’t believe Michael Jackson was a child molester.  It’s my opinion that somewhere along the line he became a she and had a yearning to be a mother but, never could not being a natural woman.  In fact, one of the boys who claimed she molested him came forward after her death and admitted she never harmed him in any way.


Unions can threaten cities, provinces and the nation-state itself.  Look at what happened to Toronto during the recent garbage men’s walk out.  In that case they might have caused a health hazard allowing garbage to pile up but, Labour Unions have always been a bane on society.  That’s part of the reason the Marxists created them.  Contrary to popular misconception they can’t help you get a job and aren’t good for anything other than bullying and brutality.  Henry Ford was one of the ones who wouldn’t allow Union formation on his turf.

Walt Disney was indeed an anti-Semite.  He believed the Jews tried to steal Mickey Mouse from him.  Disney studios made propaganda films for the American government during World War II but probably had no choice.  Like Charles Lindbergh he had a reputation as a Nazi sympathizer, so the Feds probably really turned the screws on the fella big time.  Who says the American government ever observed the law?  They’re as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.  During war time governments generally have expanded privileges while citizen’s rights are constricted and highly limited.


Look at Afghanistan, Iraq & Iran on a map; you’ll see they look like squares of a checkered board.  Bush took out two squares and, now 0bama’s stinking regime is going to use the unrest of the lipstick revolution as a pretext to take down Iran.  The CIA has operatives in all those little shit pot countries, causing unrest and fermenting revolution’s their thing.  The Northern Alliance is the dope king of the region, which is probably the very reason they did back them.  The Bush’s made a fortune off of  drugs as the Kennedy’s did with bootleg whiskey in the 1920’s.

Your Loyal Servant

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the United Fascist Union    







Cecil Whig                                                                                                                                                         8/10/09

Letters to the Editor

801 Bridge St.

Elkton, MD 21921


Dear Editor:

A couple known to this author recently received a letter from the slumlord they rent from, telling them to vacate the apartment they’ve shared, in downtown Elkton for 6 years, by the end of August. Knowing we have some knowledge of the law the victims of this injustice approached us looking for answers to this dilemma.  Your author told them we were not certain whether Landlord/Tenant Laws in Maryland were the same as they were in New York and 0ntario, where landlords must prove just cause for a legal eviction and provide said resident 60/90 days to vacate aforementioned domicile.  What we discovered was both shocking and revolting.  In Maryland tenants without a lease can be subjected to what is called in legalese an “Unjust Cause Termination of Residency and asked to vacate said property anytime at the landlords discretion, with only a 30 day notice. 


The Unjust Cause Termination of Residency clause clearly favours the owner of private property but, shows no respect for the rights of the individual or regard to personal welfare of the tenant.  This case in point brought to our attention by people living below the poverty line, who could legally be made homeless in the very near future through no fault or wrong doing, because of the wording in Maryland’s property laws, is ample evidence that something is gravely wrong in this state with regard to motivational and ethical practices in the wording and terminology employed by Maryland’s Landlord/Tenant Laws.  This author asks you to write to your representative and urge them to call for reforms in this state’s Landlord/Tenant Laws.

Sincerely Yours;


Mr. J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

Of the United Fascist Union










Dear Jim:



We have been receiving your disks and we have been looking at them. Heather was wondering why I was putting them in the closet without looking at them.  I told her I didn’t think we could without a phone.  She said that only affects the net not stored soft wear.   I like some of his sketches and drawings.  He had a certain skill and talent.  Wasn’t he related to Norman Rockwell?  It seems I read that somewhere.  But, who knows whether or not it’s true.


We wanted to tell you this as we think it might be useful for your new book you are working on now.  We’ve been rereading Nietzsche to amuse ourselves having finished Palmer & Shaver’s “The Secret World”.  Most people know he theorized over something occult he called “The Triumph of the Will” and/or “The Will To Power”, it’s less known he also believed in the concept of negative Wills too.  They were “The Will to Self Destruction” and/or “The Will To Apathy”.


This might explain what’s up with the American people.  We were thinking this might explain why the American people are the way they are.  For the last 60 or 70 years they have been under The Will 0f Apathy.  A slow winding down to national doom.  With the Mafia and the Electoral College installing a nigger as President the Americans have whole heatedly embraced, THE WILL OF SELF DESTRUCTION.  Only a suicidal nation would give power to such a filthy thing.


Here’s a mystic theory that may be unique.  I think Hitler was supposed to win WW2 and in fact did.  But by the Philadelphia Experiment and other cross dimensional, time travel experiments, the USA altered the timeline, so that they’d win the conflict.  Now the false world they created, being a fiction is collapsing in on itself under its own weight.  Imagine a hacker invented a computer virus that as soon as I typed the last letter on this page, they’d start to fall off in a reverse order and, until the last letter fell off of the final sentence everything on the page looked just fine.  Well, that’s what I think may be happening to the Americans and the false world they created.  Which might explain why the masses are the way they are.  A FALSE REALITY WOULD BE POPULATED BY FALSE PEOPLE TOO!  Weird theory ehh?  Sometimes I think I’m utterly mad.  But, it’s ok to be insane as long as nobody knows.



Your Friend


Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.O.

of the U.F.U.   





April 13th 2009


Dear Cuspid:


The cat people probably will blow up the planet when they learn the Americans elected a piece of filth like Barak 0bama, after they stop laughing.  The Africans were created to be miners; they’re not fit for anything but slavery.  There once were passages in the The Bible talking about, “his skin shall be black as if burnt by the sun and this shall be a sign to all men that he shall be a slave in the house of his brothers from this day forward”.  Don’t bother to look, some Pope censored it long ago, this was an old family Bible my dad had from 1836 or so, when I was a kid.  But, the white people won’t be saved to seed a new planet either, remember they blew-up Atlantis to destroy the Nordics as they viewed the Aryans as the most miserable failure of all the races they’d created on the planet earth.  So if Leister got it right, once the Death Star appears in the sky on December 24th 2012, nobody escapes.


The African was created by the Kutsatorian’s from apes to be a slave race; slavery’s all they’re fit for.  Which is why the Negroes are the way they are.   The 0riental was made from the Llama to be a living calculator; he’s a cipher, that’s why Asia tics behave in the fashion they do.  The Aryan, made out of the big cats indigenous to Africa, had no programming; he was viewed as dangerous, unpredictable, a threat, that’s why they sank Atlantis.  So it’s unlikely they’ll save the white people, their biggest mistake.  The Jews, the Hindus, the Greeks, Italians, etc. & so on are FORMER white people who through miscegenation destroyed their gene pool, as the Americans are now.  Ebenezer Goldsmith sort of looked like Henry Winkler might have in his 50’s if he had wore glasses, yet his daughter Heather certainly is a white woman, with blond hair and violet eyes if she’d give up that goth carp.  History uses genetics to try and teach us the same lesson over and over for some reason we’re just not getting it.


You should read “Diary 0f Drug Fiend” & “Moonchild” even if they are novels.  They contain occult wisdom too.  Crowley wrote them in that format for a reason it doesn’t invalidate the information contained in those works.  “Magick in Theory & Practice” and “Book 4” were straight forward text books to teach you how to perform rites and rituals.  To get into “777” you’ve got to have that certain mind set, and you’ve got to study the Cabalie.  I think I wasted my money on 777 because I’m too simple minded to get it in my head.  “Magick Without Tears”, I consider a waste of time as it’s basically a book of poems but, it’s a matter of mood and taste, Laura Adams says she thinks it’s one of Crowley’s best works.


It means the lights are on but nobody’s home. Think about Travis Walton’s reaction to the greys once he realized he was on board a spacecraft and their reaction to him.  It’s in HunterGatheress #1 and also, I believe, Paranoia Magazine.  It was a culture shock, the similitude of the greys to earthers yet their vast difference. There was no template in Walton’s mind to draw from, so coming up black he reacted with a primitive imperative and lashed out with violence at the strange creatures.  Ever read “Mein Kamph”?  The author theorizes we’re born blank slates, as we progress through our lives the templates in our mind fills with information, which enables us to function in our daily lives.  Assuming Hitler was right, Walton’s subconscious drew a blank, it had no reference point to draw from because his mind didn’t have time to fill a template to relate to the situation suddenly thrust on him.  JDA was using Walton’s abduction in relation to societal norms and cultural grounding.  That was the whole point to the article on meeting beings in Nothing-Drive.  Think about the way the Americans act and react, so yes it does, they’re in nothing-drive like the greys are.  I told you, or somebody they’re like zombies in the old time horror movies, NO BRAINERS, brain dead things.



Speaking of Joan D’Arc, did you get your spring issue of Paranoia Magazine yet?  We keep getting query letters for the UFU, which might indicate its on newsstands now with our ad in it but, have yet to receive our complimentary copy.  Joan told Heather in an e-mail, they’ve gone to subscribers now so why haven’t we got ours yet?


That’s what it said 1988.  What does it matter America’s elections are a joke anyway?  McCain was either mad or he did a damn good job imitating a madman to hand it to those damn democrats.  I read during the election he was 48, he’d have been born around 1960. You wonder what trash and filth his mother is to have been getting cheeky with Africans back then you realize how repugnant race mixing was back in 1960? 



Your Friend


Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director &. C.E.0.

of the U.F.U.





Dear Cuspid;                                                                                                               4/1/09



That theory runs very nearly, if not exactly thus, the Cat People sank Atlantis (a.k.a. Thule) with a planet buster missile in an attempt to destroy the Nordics, who they had previously exiled to that frozen wasteland hoping nature would do their dirty work for them as the Aryans were viewed by the Kutsatorian’s as a failure that wasn’t good for much of anything.  After they began to build cities and develope the continent, the Kutsatorian’s grew fearful that the Norsemen, who had steam engines and crude glider planes by this time.  The Emperor imagined they’d build star ships and rival Kutsa Prime in the space faring trade, so he panicked and sent a Death star armed with a prototype of a planet buster missile to destroy the earth.  0bviously they underestimated the ability of their planet buster missile or we wouldn’t be having this pleasant correspondence today.  However, Leister reports they managed to sink the continent.  Noah supposedly survived the disaster and was an admiral of a fleet of U boats that surfaced in what we call the Persian Gulf today.  Babylon, or Ur, was the first place the survivors settled and started to build, the SEMITES who were indigenous to the region had never saw white men before so they thought they were gods, describing them as bright, ghostlike, shining and coloured like snow.  The Jews did the same thing as the Indians (Hindus) and Greeks and Romans were to do later, as the Americans are doing now, breeding with dark races.  Heather, herself is an example of what we are discussing, she has strawberry blond hair if she’d let it grow in and violet eyes but, her father Ebenezer Goldsmith, could have been used as a model for Lothrop Stoddard’s “Jewish Types” pamphlet Commander Collin used to publish.


Poppies, little white flowers.  You grind them into tobacco and smoke them in a water pipe.  I’m not sure; Marta was looking for new things to have fun with as we had tired ourselves of yellow barrel acid that was the latest fad on the street back then.  I was reading Mr. Crowley’s “Diary 0f A drug Fiend” so, I said; “you know a lot of people who are connected up, my dear, why don’t we try something we’ve never done before, opium if you want new experiences, showing her the description the author gave of its marvelous effects”.  She was delighted by the thought of our new discovery.  I think her daughter Darla might have told her about a pusher with opium in his stock who hung out at Herb’s Place and, how to contact him as she seemed to know all the dealers working Muskingum County in the 1980’s.  Drugs are NOT always bad.  They’re a lot like alcohol, chocolates and cigarettes, a harmless pleasure or a helper tool in the right hands, if used in moderation or by a skilled magician but, pure poison when they fall into the hands of a madman or a fool.  People look at symptoms without seeing the disease, so they blame dope for the social evils of our time, when weakness of human nature is the real root cause of the problem.  Charles Manson is quoted as having said; something to the effect; “I did drugs before The Man told the public that there was even a drug problem”.  By the same token, I don’t believe the great unwashed masses should have access to them either.


The consciousness of, the Beings In Nothing Drive, according to Joan D’Arc who coined the phrase in a short story she wrote, it’s like the headlights are on but somebody else,

Cuspid Weems

Conclusion 4/1/09



NOT YOU, is in the drivers’ seat, you’re merely observing events that you should be participating in.  Another way to say the same thing might be, like we told James Mason in our correspondence of a few days past: “the masses today, being under an alien WILL, remind one of zombies in these antique horror films being controlled by a mad man, they walk and talk but the motivating brain is completely alien to the body it’s animating.  This would explain why the Americans are the way they are.  A zombie won’t care whether the elections bringing us both baby Bush & 0bama were rigged and they never won nor, have a right to the office they hold (have held) whatsoever.  The Webs full of evidence either 0bama didn’t win the 08 election or it should not have been possible for him to even run at all.  But, there the sack of shit sits, the mafia’s pet monkey in the White House pretending he’s President.  Now, that’s a different matter, but it’s also related to this zombie effect, ignorance.  How many people know the Electoral College hasn’t observed the popular vote since 1988 or that Bush rigged FL in 2000 & 0hio in 04 and that Mc Cain overwhelmingly won the popular vote in 2008 but, the Electoral College arbitrarily installed 0bama?  May I point out, some people –few and far between still believe the 9/11 mind fuck was the real deal.


No, Letterman was the last talk show formatted program we participated in, in 1998, although we were informed some of the candidate’s gatherings we spoke at during the 2000 & 2004 elections were covered by various TV stations and/or networks.  The very first TV talk programme we were party too, was something called “The Lou Gordon Show” broadcast on WMHA channel #68 out of Parma, the first time I lived in Cleveland, 0hio in the 1970’s.  I called the station and booked Anton La Vey on it, as I lived in the area (there were still some local programmes being produced in those days), so as a reward I got to go on the panel with Dr. La Vey and a man he bought with him from California and a woman witch from 0regon.  There were no Christians and/or mean spirited confrontations that marked later talk shows we were to tape in those days.  The only trick question may have been the host asking La Vey, “You’re all white people, are you racists?” But, he quickly disposed of the matter, pointing out that; “coloured people give off different vibes than white do so it’s better if occult groups practice a form of self imposed segregation.


Did you get the spring Paranoia or Mysteries Magazine yet?  We haven’t but some query letters to the Fasc. U cause us to ponder whether or not our ad was published.


No Chillicothe but he lived in 0hio too.  It’s probably the guy you knew.  I think that’s his real name.  Did the actor James Mason play the Nazi Rommel?  He was Tiberius in A.D.  and I think one of the guy who murder Caesar in Shakespeare’s play.


Your Friend



Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.0.

of the U.F.U.




 Mon, 9 Mar 2009

Dear Cuspid:             

Nathan Bedford Forrest adopted the original “Ghost Soldier Uniform” as they were pretending to be ghosts from The Battle 0f Shiloh. I guess the KKK started in Shiloh, IL, where the cops chased the UFO on our Peter Jennings moving picture. The hood doesn’t look right on the modern uniform for one thing. It looks more like the cone heads from that one TV series. Look at still shots of Klansmen from the 1920’s & 30’s you’ll see what I mean. The original hood looked more like a horses feed bag. 0nce when Laura Adams and I were on the talk show circuit, they booked us with the Templar Knights KKK. Their rep was a young woman who wore a beyond sheer ghost costume and only wore a bra & underpants under it. The trick was to look at the camera when it was looking at you and glance at the nearly naked woman when it wasn’t.

OMG, Laura Adams isn’t going to help me move back to 0hio? The last I heard from her before we had the phone turned off, she had lost her job and was stealing money from these bank machines, after punching in the wrong numbers and one gave her two hundred dollars cash back by mistake. Heather and Joanne both said they don’t want her here; she might steal our cars, our bank accounts or anything, if we took her in. Anyway, if “the people” didn’t do anything about the election of 0bama, they’re done for. No violence, no mass murder, no rioting, no raping and plundering, no anything. I’m not wasting an incarnation in a land of the living dead, where I’ll never have political power.

We started kicking Buda’s gong around after Marta Jenkins found a pusher with poppies at a dive called Herb’s whore house. She said they acted as an aphrodisiac; I wanted the opium for occult experiments as Crowley mentions it in his Diary 0f A Drug Fiend. Drugs can be useful for opening doors to other dimensions and AP provided you’re the master of them, not they you. How should I know, she was a prostitute, maybe she worked out of the joint. Most whores in Zanesville at least used Herbs that’s why it got the nickname “Herb’s whore house”.

Remember Noah was described as being “shining”, “ghostlike”, godly, feminine, light. Semite means coloured. So, he was something they’d never saw to use those epithets regarding the newcomers. After the cat people made the Norsemen they exiled them to Hyperboria. Then when they sank the continent with a planet buster missile, the refugees surfaced in the Middle East. Their submarine fleet surfaced around what we call the Persian Gulf to be precise. That sack of (inappropriate term) Bush attacked our Saddam to prevent our party from gaining control of an abandoned Star Gate, then its game over for the capitalist parasites, we win. The Jews, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians, etc. were all originally Aryan. Their past, our future, I see more sluts with these little half breed bastards all over Elkton. Which answers your question too, I think, if race mixing has become acceptable and people feel no shame in taking these half-cast things in public places, then why can’t one of these mongrel dogs become President too?

Astrologers say the soup lines of the 1930's are coming again as they predict unemployment to go higher than %12.

Your Friend;

Mr.  J.  Grimes

Director & C.E.0.

of the U.F.U.

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